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Google Analytics- cross domain tracking WordPress


I need a WP and Google Analytics expert who has a lot of experience with cross domain tracking.

I would like someone to teach me how to edit my G.A. tracking code using Skype and screenshare.

I have questions I want to ask, and I also want to learn. I can pay you by the hour.


Matt here, and I have some online courses that I teach.

The marketing and education of these courses take place on a few sites (2 I'm concerned with for now).

After people sign up, they are redirected to another site where they login and watch the training.

I need to setup up cross domain tracking in Google Analytics by editing the code and I'd love to have someone teach me via Skype (using screenshare).

I've found some documentation on it, but I'd really prefer to do it live with someone so I can ask questions during the process.

Eventually, I'll need to do this across a few dozen websites... reason being, is our education is different in each state (that is why we have a number of sites).


Answers (1)


Bob answers:

I am not expert but I think I can help you to set it up with wordrpess.

king2244 comments:

Hi Bob,

Have you setup G.A. before across multiple sites?

What do you think about the 3rd option from this video?:


Bob comments:

I am sorry to say I am really very busy to allocate time to you.

Yes that third option is good.

king2244 comments:

It's okay - thanks for letting me know :)