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Get rid of gap WordPress


Can someone tell me how to get rid of the gap underneath the menu bar? I want the content to line up right underneath of it.

Is there a better tool than Firebug?

Answers (6)


Michael Caputo answers:

in your css:


ohlivia13 comments:

That didn't work.

Michael Caputo comments:




Hai Bui answers:

It's because of this style:
.pageCont {
margin-top: 75px !important;

try reducing the margin to 40px

Hai Bui comments:

I'm not sure what file inserting css rule but it's in the html code, if you don't know either, put this in any css file:
#page-container {
margin-top: 40px !important;

ohlivia13 comments:

That didn't work either!

Hai Bui comments:

Where do you insert that style?


Martin Pham answers:

find on theme or plugin

<style type="text/css" scoped="scoped">
.pageCont { margin-top: 75px !important;}

Change to

<style type="text/css" scoped="scoped">
.pageCont { margin-top: 41px !important;}

Martin Pham comments:

Open style.css insert into

body .pageCont { margin-top: 41px;}


Sabby Sam answers:

Use this



if still this doesn't work then use this


padding:0px !important;

Sabby Sam comments:



if still this doesn't work then use this


padding:0px !important;
margin:0px !important;


Jatin Soni answers:

Find below code in your style.css

margin-top: 75px !important;

Than change margin-top value whatever you want.

If that doesn't work than do following things

Okay than do one thing

Open your template file where you will find below div

<div class="pageCont" id="page-container">

First find in header.php if not than you may have to go through template files like single.php, page.php etc.

Than remove class="pageCont" so code will be as below

<div id="page-container">

Now if you want to assign any gap than create new class in your style.css and assign to that div and set margin whatever you want.


ohlivia13 comments:

When I changed this in the Custom CSS box, it wouldn't work.

I found it in one of the theme files and changed it there, and now we are all good!

Thanks so much to all of you for your troubleshooting!


Daniel Yoen answers:

you can try to add .pageCont {margin-top: 41px !important;} at the bottom/last line of style.css file

hope this help