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Get only the URL from Next / Prev link WordPress


I have the code:
<a href="" id="psingle_prev" class="psingle_bts clearfix"><span class="psingle_arrow" id="arrow_prev">&nbsp;</span> Previous</a>
<a href="" id="psingle_next" class="psingle_bts clearfix">Next <span class="psingle_arrow" id="arrow_next">&nbsp;</span></a>

I would like to add the url for <strong>href=""</strong>, dynamically using a PHP function.

Answers (3)


Nick Parsons answers:

Try this:
<?php echo strip_tags( get_next_posts_link() ); ?>

Lucian Florian comments:

outputs nothing

Nick Parsons comments:

Sorry, working on it. Just realized my mistake!

Nick Parsons comments:

OK, update:

<?php $next_post = get_adjacent_post(false,'',true) ; echo get_permalink($next_post); ?>

Nick Parsons comments:

Your code would look like:

<a href="<?php echo get_permalink(get_adjacent_post(false,'',false)); ?>" id="psingle_prev" class="psingle_bts clearfix"><span class="psingle_arrow" id="arrow_prev">&nbsp;</span> Previous</a>
<a href="<?php echo get_permalink(get_adjacent_post(false,'',true)); ?>" id="psingle_next" class="psingle_bts clearfix">Next <span class="psingle_arrow" id="arrow_next">&nbsp;</span></a>

Lucian Florian comments:

good job, thank you.


MagoryNET answers:


echo next_posts();
echo previous_posts();

Lucian Florian comments:

outputs nothing


Michael Fields answers:

One of these depending on which type of view you are targeting:

$prev = get_previous_post();
if ( isset( $prev->ID ) ) {
$url = get_permalink( $prev->ID );

$next = get_next_post();
if ( isset( $next->ID ) ) {
$url = get_permalink( $next->ID );