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Get Shopped ecommerce plug in & Catalyst theme issue WordPress


Hi Guys

I have taken over a site which has the Get Shopped eCommerce plug in installed with a few products. I have installed the Catalyst framework with dynamik child theme.

I then in the eCommerce plug in settings under presentation moved all the suggested files over to the dynamik folder (you click a button and this happens automatically) I've checked it via ftp and they have indeed been moved over.

However when I look at the shop page I have added to my menu it is not picking up the styling from the dynamik css. It looks like it is picking it up from the default Catalyst css.

That's just a guess. Can anyone take a look and offer me some suggestions?

The home page is how the shop page should look.

Many thanks

Answers (3)


Michael Caputo answers:

The documentation says that you may have to get your theme updated to work with the WP Ecommerce plugin. info here:


Arnav Joy answers:

Hi Steve ,

I want to have a look , but i have to work in your files .

Arnav Joy comments:

try adding page.php file to dynamic theme

Steve Watson comments:

Thanks Arnav

I've had a reply from the guys at Catalyst which I thought I would post here as it may help someone else having the issue

I have added this code to the custom-functions.php file within the dynamik child theme folder

remove_action( 'template_redirect', 'catalyst_add_stylesheets' ); add_action( 'wp_head', 'catalyst_add_stylesheets', 1 ); remove_action( 'catalyst_meta', 'catalyst_default_css', 11 );


Hai Bui answers:

You may want to check this