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Geo Mashup show hp url after moving servers WordPress

Don't worry, I deleted the plugin and now all is gone :-(

I installed Geo Mashup on a development website and it was working fine.
Then i transferred the site to its new location

and now it is displaying a url from my site....

How can i get the map to show again?

Answers (4)


Christianto answers:



Geo Mashup use home_url() to generate the iframe src url
if you echo the home_url();
<?php echo home_url(); ?>

what is the value?

Did you update the siteurl and home url after moving wordpress?

jklupfel comments:

how do i reconfigure the map position?

Christianto comments:

please check my updated answer,
could you check your home_url() value?

<?php echo home_url(); ?>

Christianto comments:

I think this is the problem

Your ifame url generate by Geo Mashup:<strong>?</strong>geo_mashup_content=render-map&map_data_key=589ca98fc7241b7a75ddb4650ac4261e

Redirect to and Return 404 not found

The correct iframe url<strong>/?</strong>geo_mashup_content=render-map&map_data_key=589ca98fc7241b7a75ddb4650ac4261e

Will show you the maps

the different between it only on "/" (slash) before url parameter
"<strong>?</strong>geo_mashup_content=render-map" vs "<strong>/?</strong>geo_mashup_content=render-map"

when I visit your site without the slash ("/"), it also will be redirect to

this is not:

If you need to hardcode it, you can edit it on geo-mashup.php line 840, you will find this code:
$home_url .= '?' . htmlspecialchars( http_build_query( $query ) );
add slash so it will change to:
$home_url .= '/?' . htmlspecialchars( http_build_query( $query ) );


Arnav Joy answers:

see this article for geo mashup setup


Abdelhadi Touil answers:

If the old url is saved in the database, why not just search for old url and replace it with the new one using a plugin such us this one I recommend:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Good luck.


Dylan Kuhn answers:

I think Christiano has nailed it - you don't really want your home URL redirecting to a different domain do you? The best course would be to fix that, but it might not be easy to find what's doing it - could be some kind of hosting configuration, something in a .htaccess file, another plugin, etc.

Just for fun I tried to think of a way to patch the home_url just for Geo Mashup without hacking it, so you can still upgrade. Something like this in your theme functions.php might do it:

function bbhomes_add_slash_to_home_url( $url, $path, $scheme, $blog ) {
return trailingslashit( $url );

function bbhomes_map_shortcode_wrapper( $args ) {
add_filter( 'get_home_url', 'bbhomes_add_slash_to_home_url', 10, 4 );
$map = GeoMashup::map( $args );
remove_filter( 'get_home_url', 'bbhomes_add_slash_to_home_url', 10, 4 );
return $map;

function bbhomes_wrap_map_shortcode() {
remove_shortcode( 'geo_mashup_map' );
add_shortcode( 'geo_mashup_map', 'bbhomes_map_shortcode_wrapper' );
add_action( 'init', 'bbhomes_wrap_map_shortcode' );