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Geo Mashup info window not loading with custom post-type WordPress


It's about 2 themes. One is Estate from WooThemes, one is Classipress from AppThemes.

I implemented the Geo Mashup plugin in both themes, but i can't figure out why the "info window" does not want to load.

So, i could use some help here...

Kind regards,


Answers (2)


Ram Kumar answers:

// Adding a click-event to the marker
GEvent.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
// When clicked, open an Info Window
marker.openInfoWindowHtml('Some text');

you need to add this code in your plug in page.


Dylan Kuhn answers:

Do you happen to be using More Types to register your custom type? There's a known incompatibility of More Types and Geo Mashup:

If you're not using More Types, it may still be a similar problem. If you're registering the custom post type yourself, paste that code and we should be able to fix it.

Sanook comments:

Hi Dylan,

I do not use the "More Types Plugin". The custom post type is a default value build in the theme. For the WooThemes Estate it's "woo_estate" and for AppThemes Classipress it's "ad_listing".

In some way these post types are not recognized as normal custom post types...

Dylan Kuhn comments:

Sanook, I'd have to look at the code for those themes to see if the register_post_type calls are done correctly. You could search for the calls in functions.php, or send me a private message to provide me access to the full theme code.

Sanook comments:

Hi Dylan, i sent you a pm.

[[LINK href=""]]SanookTrader[[/LINK]]

[[LINK href=""]]SanookEstate[[/LINK]]

Great to have contact with the author of the fantastic Geo Mashup Plugin! ;-)

Dylan Kuhn comments:

Thanks Sanook :)

I think I've ruled out a problem with your themes. My best guess currently is that the problem is caused by a server configuration. I think you'll need to ask your host to check this for you. The key question to ask is, why does the server return a 403 Forbidden response to a request for a URL like this:

In contrast, a similar URL used for the map frame works as expected:

Is the first URL blocked by a mod_security configuration or something similar?

Sanook comments:

Ok, thanks Dylan.

I will have contact with my hosting provider today. Hopefully it can be fixed by them.

Let you know soon...