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Geo Mashup - Customize Nearby List Template WordPress


We use the Geo Mashup to add location details to two custom post types (events and portfolio), and use the geo mashup nearby list to show both separately - for example see

We use The Events Calendar plugin for our Events - and when using the nearby list we want to be able to include the date for events (before the event title) and remove the distance for this custom post type, but keep it showing for the portfolio custom post type (used for gardens).

I think this snippet from The Events Calendar will help identify the necessary code - - although we would want the start date (and not time) included.

Answers (2)


Arnav Joy answers:

can you please explain more about your requirement ?


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Good afternoon,

Change the tribe_get_start_time() with this function: tribe_get_start_date() and you will get the start date instead the start time.

Tell me if this is enough or what do you want more.

actionmatt comments:

Yes I guessed that. I need to know how to customize the nearby-list.php template ( to do what i've explained.

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

The first thing you need to do is to create a file called: geo-mashup-nearby-list.php in your root path of your child theme.

You have to create this file from the content of this other file:


There you will find the piece of code to customize.

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

I didn't market the notify checkbox.

Read the previous comment.

actionmatt comments:

Yes we have already done that - I am looking specifically for help in creating the code to do the customisations I have specified in my original question.