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General but not so general question just looking for ideas WordPress

Hello Wpquestions professionals...I have a question on which direction to go for an achievements type functionality.

I'm looking to add achievements to my new language learning site. The basis of the learning system is repetitive listening to the same audio file over and over again.

What I would like to add is points for listening to a specific audio file a certain amount of times. When a specific file is listened to say 20 time it awards points for each time it is listened to and then the user has listened a enough times it releases the next lesson. After a series of 3 or 4 lessons is listened to then a badge is awarded.

I've done a bit of research into this and discovered the following tools that could theoretically achieve this functionality but I want to ask the pros before I dig into this. At this point I'm looking only for direction.

Thanks to Dbranes and his suggestion of and the [[LINK href=""]]achievements plugin[[/LINK]] I can see hope for the idea but haven't a clue as to how to implement it. Also, is there a consensus that this is the best way to go? Only way to go? Or, is there something else?

I don't know if this is cool or not to ask here but anyone care to bid on the project? What would it cost me to get one of you to implement something like this?

I'm also looking for a decent widget to show the logged in users profile in a widget including those achievements.

Thanks for the input.

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Answers (1)


MDan answers:

Hello Doug,

I think you should take a look at this platform. Depending of your number of users you could try the basic package. I see there are also a lot of price packages for choosing. That's the easy way.

For an inhouse solution you could use this LMS wordpress plugin:
It appears to be what you're looking for and they have a good support. It's a one time fee of 99$,

This solution is based on buddypress plugin and could be used with good result as well:
1. BuddyPress Courseware:

You should take a look at this three wordpress solutions as well:

Doug Montgomery comments:

Thank you for the insight. I have looked at these but unfortunately there isn't a way to implement the # of times listened to an audio file to award points.