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Further development of Universal Post Manager plugin WordPress

Hi All

Would anyone be interested in doing further development work on the Universal Post Manager plugin? It's an excellent plugin but still needs a bit of work and it could usefully be extended in certain directions.

The features I'm after are these:

(1) the plu­gin would sup­port full styling (e.g., nested ordered lists, the CSS for which would carry through to the exported document, and the admin could select the typography and other styles that would likewise carry through)

(2) the exported files would be capa­ble of being pro­tected and not being avail­able to search engines or anyone who could guess the URL or standard structure

(3) the admin could indi­cate in the back­end whether he/she wishes to auto-create a table of con­tents in the exported doc by ref­er­ence to H1/H2/H3 head­ings in the post or page to be exported

(4) the admin could also indi­cate whether page num­bers should be auto­mat­i­cally added to the exported doc

(5) The plugin would support export of posts to Microsoft Word, Open Office and Google Docs; it would do this by enabling the admin to select an option in the backend that would result in document links (e.g., Word icon, Google Doc icon, Open Office icon) appearing beneath each post; the admin could select whether this would be the case for all posts or just selected categories of posts

Some of this capa­bil­ity already exists in the Uni­ver­sal Post Man­ager plu­gin but certainly not all of it. Its devel­op­ment appears to have ceased, its sup­port of Open Office is patchy, its security needs improving, it doesn’t sup­port export to Google Docs and items (3) and (4) are not supported.

If you're interested, please let me know, together with indicative pricing. I've put the $4 minimum on this question merely because it's the starting point. I'm not suggesting the development work is only worth $4...


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