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Function to truncate comment text on home page. WordPress


I am showing most recent comments on the home page using:

<?php $_comments=get_comments('number=5'); ?>
<?php foreach($_comments as $comm): ?>
<?php echo $comm->comment_content; ?>

I need some way to limit, truncate the comment content after a certain (60-70) amount of characters.

Answers (6)


Darrin Boutote answers:

Try this:

$_comments = get_comments('number=5');

foreach($_comments as $comm) {
$comment_link = get_comment_link($comm->comment_ID);
$comment_content = strip_tags($comm->comment_content);
$comment_content = substr($comment_content, 0, 60 );
echo $comment_content.'<a href="'.$comment_link.'">...</a><br />';

badnews comments:



Rashad Aliyev answers:

I made some test in my locale.

That's very useful links made a limited content. And also you can develop it for your comments. : [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Michael Fields answers:

<?php $_comments=get_comments('number=5'); ?>

<?php foreach($_comments as $comm): ?>

<?php print mfields_shorten( $comm->comment_content, 60 ); ?>

function mfields_shorten( $string, $crop = 23, $trail = '...') {
$string = strip_tags( $string );
$string = trim( $string );
$string = html_entity_decode( $string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
$string = rtrim( $string, '-' );
$crop = intval( $crop );
return ( strlen( $string ) > $crop ) ? substr_replace( $string, $trail, $crop ) : $string;

badnews comments:

Hey Micheal,

This works great... Is it possible to have the "..." link to the actual comment without much work? :)

Michael Fields comments:

Something like this might work for ya:

function mfields_shorten( $string, $crop = 23, $trail = '...') {
global $comment;
$string = strip_tags( $string );
$string = trim( $string );
$string = html_entity_decode( $string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
$string = rtrim( $string, '-' );
$crop = intval( $crop );
$trail = '<a href="' . get_comment_link( $comment ) . '">' . $trail . '</a>'
return ( strlen( $string ) > $crop ) ? substr_replace( $string, $trail, $crop ) : $string;

Michael Fields comments:

Actually, there was an error there...

function mfields_shorten( $string, $crop = 23, $trail = '...') {
global $comment;
$string = strip_tags( $string );
$string = trim( $string );
$string = html_entity_decode( $string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
$string = rtrim( $string, '-' );
$crop = intval( $crop );
$trail = '<a href="' . get_comment_link( $comment ) . '">' . $trail . '</a>';
return ( strlen( $string ) > $crop ) ? substr_replace( $string, $trail, $crop ) : $string;

badnews comments:

Sorry for mistyping your name earlier!

I get:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_RETURN in /home/site/public_html/site/wp-content/themes/theme/functions.php on line 17

badnews comments:

Great no more errors but this links to, which gets me a 404.

Michael Fields comments:

No worries, I would misspell it too if I weren't born with it :) I posted too soon! Did you try the 06/10/10 12:59am snippet?

badnews comments:

<blockquote>06/10/10 1:06am

Michael Fields says:

No worries, I would misspell it too if I weren't born with it :) I posted too soon! Did you try the 06/10/10 12:59am snippet?</blockquote>

Yes, it got me a link to "" but that gets me a 404.

Michael Fields comments:

Does this help any?

function mfields_shorten( $string, $crop = 23, $trail = '...') {
global $comment;
$string = strip_tags( $string );
$string = trim( $string );
$string = html_entity_decode( $string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
$string = rtrim( $string, '-' );
$crop = intval( $crop );
$trail = '<a href="' . get_comment_link( $comment->comment_ID ) . '">' . $trail . '</a>';
return ( strlen( $string ) > $crop ) ? substr_replace( $string, $trail, $crop ) : $string;

badnews comments:

No this gives out the same error message.

Michael Fields comments:

Please post your comments code to [[LINK href=""]]pastebin[[/LINK]] or email to michael {{AT} } mfields [ [D0T]] org and I'll give it a look. It's hard to code "in the dark" :)

badnews comments:

Did you have a chance to go through it again?


Chris Lee answers:

<?php $_comments=get_comments('number=5'); ?>
<?php foreach($_comments as $comm): ?>
<?php $commentshort = substr($comm->comment_content, 0, 69); ?>

badnews comments:

Chris, this just gets rid of the whole text. I would like to truncate it after a certain amount of characters.


Monster Coder answers:

if you need a solution for non-English too that won't break the meaning you may try this one:


Svilen Popov answers:

function cut($str, $comment_link, $len = "65") {
if(function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
return mb_strlen($str,'UTF-8')<$len ? $str : (mb_substr($str,0,$len-1,'UTF-8').'<a href="$comment_link"...</a>');
if( function_exists('iconv_strlen') ) {
return iconv_strlen($str,'UTF-8')<$len ? $str : (iconv_substr($str,0,$len-1,'UTF-8').'<a href="$comment_link"...</a>');
return strlen($str)<2*$len ? $str : (substr($str,0,2*$len-2).'<a href="$comment_link"...</a>');
foreach($_comments as $comm):
$comm_url = get_permalink($comm->comment_post_ID). "#comment-". $comm->comment_ID;
echo cut(comm->comment_content, $comm_url);

badnews comments:

Hey Svilen,

Thanks but this doesn't work.

Svilen Popov comments:

Here is the clean code:
function cut_comment($str, $comment_link, $len = "65") {
if(function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
return mb_strlen($str,'UTF-8')<$len ? $str : (mb_substr($str,0,$len-1,'UTF-8').'<a href="'.$comment_link.'">...</a>');
if( function_exists('iconv_strlen') ) {
return iconv_strlen($str,'UTF-8')<$len ? $str : (iconv_substr($str,0,$len-1,'UTF-8').'<a href="'.$comment_link.'">...</a>');
return strlen($str)<2*$len ? $str : (substr($str,0,2*$len-2).'<a href="'.$comment_link.'">...</a>');
foreach($_comments as $comm):
$comment_url = get_comment_link($comm->comment_ID );
echo cut_comment($comm->comment_content, $comment_url, 70);