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Fixing Broken Wordpress Theme in IE? WordPress

Hi there,

I have a wordpress theme (Custom Community Pro) that works swimmingly in FF and Chrome, but is a disaster in IE.

I know some basic css and html, but this seems beyond me.
I'm guessing the problem is in the header.php, but I'd rather not mess with it and potentially cause more problems.

This wouldn't be so much of a problem if my site wasn't based in South Korea where 95% of the population uses IE. -_-;;

Answers (6)


Hai Bui answers:

Can you provide the url?

Jed comments:


Thanks for the fast response. ^^

Hai Bui comments:

The site requires me to log in? I need to see the site to find the problem.

Jed comments:

You can login as:
user id- gramangel
p/w- twenty

Hai Bui comments:

In the header, there are a few link tags that do not have end tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><style type="text/css">body{font-family: 'Philosopher' !important; }</style><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=",italic,bold,bolditalic"><style type="text/css">p{font-family: 'PT Sans' !important; }</style><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><style type="text/css">li{font-family: 'Varela' !important; }</style><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><style type="text/css">h1{font-family: 'Ultra' !important; }</style><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><style type="text/css">h2{font-family: 'Miltonian' !important; }</style><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><style type="text/css">h3{font-family: 'Ultra' !important; }</style><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><style type="text/css">h4{font-family: 'Philosopher' !important; }</style><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><style type="text/css">h5{font-family: 'Philosopher' !important; }</style><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><style type="text/css">h6{font-family: 'Philosopher' !important; }</style><style type="text/css">

They should end with /> instead of >
For example:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
Same for others. Please fix it and we'll see.

Jed comments:


That would most likely be located where?
In the theme header.php?

Hai Bui comments:

They are used for embedding Google fonts. Those lines may be in header.php or a plugin if you use a plugin embed Google fonts. If you cannot find them, please PM me the admin account info.

Hai Bui comments:

Did you get my PM? The actual problem is IE only loads first 31 <style> or css stylesheet in a page and your site loads more than 31 so some of them were totally ignored.
You must remove a few stylesheets or <style> tags, perhaps by removing some unnecessary plugins. Otherwise, you have to modify some plugins to fix it.


Charles Klycinski answers:


Please send also user and pass or just disable login requirment.


Charles Klycinski comments:

Guys just hit - register on log in page - You will be redirected to a reg form and You wil see page layout.

IE seem to not load css propertly.

Jed comments:

You can login as:
user id- gramangel
p/w- twenty


Manoj Raj answers:

Login restriction is there.

The problem may be with the Doctype sometimes. (or) sometimes you have to redefine some parameters for IE in a separate css file.

If your site is live without login restriction or if you have the screenshots of the website in firefox and internet explorer, post it here so that people around here may get a better idea about the problem you are facing.

And also specify the versions of the browsers you are using.

Jed comments:

You can login as:
user id- gramangel
p/w- twenty


Monit Jadhav answers:

Need to see the problem. So login info Please?

Jed comments:

You can login as:
user id- gramangel
p/w- twenty


Christianto answers:


I do a test by download the page of your site and edited locally..
And I found that its because too much stylesheet rules, I did make a test by deleting about 5 link stylesheet and it start to loading correctly...

You can read it on [[LINK href=""]]microsoft website about IE stylesheet limit[[/LINK]]
<blockquote>his problem occurs because the following conditions are true in Internet Explorer:
All style tags after the first 31 style tags are not applied.
All style rules after the first 4,095 rules are not applied.
On pages that uses the @import rule to continously import external style sheets that import other style sheets, style sheets that are more than three levels deep are ignored.</blockquote>

Try to deleting 5 of your stylesheet link like I did..

Let me know the result in your site..

Christianto comments:

@ Jurre
stylesheets link aren't 31, I only count about 23 (24 if IE 6 specific stylesheet included) but it could be because the rules applied.

You can test it by yourself, actually I really don't know the actual limit of stylesheet on IE but if I delete 5 link of stylesheet, the site load correctly... :)

But sure, deleting 5 link of stylesheet will affect other part of site, we can fix it by combining it.

I attach my edited html file and screenshot..