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Fix broken page layout in IE9 WordPress


Please see the issue at [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

<em>This one is for Hai Bui, thanks!</em>

Answers (4)


Hai Bui answers:

Hi Rita,

I will fix it now.


Julio Potier answers:

this is a CSS clear/float problem, i can take a look but i need FTP and/or admin account to modify files.
Thank you !


Rashad Aliyev answers:

Hi, If still have a problem you can send me your site information for fixing your CSS.


nina magbanua answers:


regarding this one: In IE8, the columns line up well and no display issues. But in IE9, there is whitespace below the video and above the Tweets in the rightside column:
- this is a float problem but if you can give me the ftp I can fixed the css for you
and regarding on this one: Using Lotus Theme. Scroll down to see image in comparative browsers. Everything looks good in Firefox and IE7. Then in IE8 and IE9, there is extra spacing in the header area.
- You can add a fixed height for the header so there will be no extra spacing.