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First display those products which contains of my attribute WordPress




I know this site is meant for Wordpress questions only but I'm in dire need of magento at the moment. I know there are few developers who also work on magento.

In the list of products in any category, first I want to sort out those products which having my custom attribute "bestsellers" with value "yes" (there is only one value).

Even though making the default sort as "bestbesellers", it's still don't work. However I noticed If I sort out like this #dir=desc&order=bestsellers then it works. Can I do something to make that without adding #dir=desc&order=bestsellers and it should load after I enter the products?

2) Need someone who can help me generate my magento products Feed to upload into Google Shopping? It should work when upload to Google Shopping. I've simple as well as configurable products which are in thousands.

Answers (2)


Rempty answers:

Did you tried this?

Shoeb mirza comments:

Yes, it doesn't work for me. I think I may also need "desc" along with that..


Bob answers:

Have you tried this?
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

and check after clearing cache.

Bob comments:

this example might be helpful to write code. let me know you think this code takes you to right direction.
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Shoeb mirza comments:

How to make my desired attribute display first for which I want to make default ordering as decreasing and "bestsellers". I already did the admin backend before posting here..

Bob comments:

please post your website link