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Featured image issue WordPress


Hello. I run a site called LDNfashion. It currently runs on I'm in the process of switching over to a new theme on The new theme I'm using includes 'featured images' on posts. My current theme doesn't. I've imported all the content from the .net site to the .com site but can't get the featured images to work (have tried various plugins). I've investigated this problem further with the very kind help of Denzel Chia and its due to the images still being hosted on the .net server.

I need someone to download all the images / file structure from the .net server and transfer this to the .com server and then run the plugin so that all posts have a featured image.

Many thanks for reading. Any questions let me know.

----- UPDATE -----

Still looking for some help on this.

Just to confirm. and are TWO different sites.

I'm looking for someone to move all content from .net to .com and to setup the featured image feature of the new theme.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Answers (8)


rizaljohn answers:

Hi Benjamin,

I can do that for you. Please send me the access or add me to your skype. Sent you PM.


Luis Cordova answers:

i think you can just ftp it yourself right? just need to find the correct folder under uploads or wherenever these images are located. you should give it a try

for instance

currently the .com domain seems to be redirected to .net

have you already changed the url and home fields on the new database and also refreshed permalinks?

Benjamin Reynolds comments:

Hi Luis

Thanks for the response.

Excuse my ignorance but what are the home fields?

I haven't done anything aside from importing the content.

In regards to doing it myself I'm unsure how to download from the server via FTP and still keep the folder structure in place.


Luis Cordova comments:

that is pretty simple, that is in case you clone the database and import it into your other site via phpmyadmin or other, I think that is the best way of moving a site

1. about the home and url fields, you will do that easily like here from your phpmyadmin from your cpanel of your hosting like here

2. ftp can be achieved via a software like

connect to old server then move all files from server to local hard disk
and then connect to new server and upload all new files

then change the wp-config.php to adapt it to the new db and login details

that is standard in wordpress development, google it and you will find tons of info

hope that helps, teaching you how to fish

Luis Cordova comments:

if you want me to move it you can just tell me your skype via private message


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi Benjamin,

If you don't yet have someone to help you, I am available.



Pau answers:

If you used the wordpress importer then images should be imported as well. If you this issue not yet solve then i can help you with that.


Luis Abarca answers:

You can try using BackupBuddy to backup and then migrate the entire site

Or check this SQL commands you have to perform after a domain migration :


Jurre Hanema answers:

I have got plenty of experience performing seamless site migrations, both using BackupBuddy and "the manual method". If you want me to, I can perform this migration as well. Just send me a PM.

A note about BackupBuddy for those who are interested: I have found BB to be unreliable at times when migrating full backups, especially when the site gets a little bit larger. That's why I almost always copy the files using FTP and use BB for the database migration only.


Lyman Lai answers:

let me do it for you!
just some step:
1. copy image to new server
2. update all the image path in the mysql(need export by phpmyadmin then replace some path then import)



She Codes answers:

I would like to help you on this.
I can give instructions on how to do this.
Or I can do this myself, if you prefer.