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Featured Images Not Linking Properly WordPress


This site is using an iThemes theme called Essence. I hesitate to purchase an upgrade for the theme because we are redesigning their site and will launch it within a month or so.

The theme has a feature called "Featured Images" where you can upload images and have them link to certain pages on the site. However, All of the featured images are linking to the same page (the first link in the slideshow).

Answers (3)


Navjot Singh answers:

Can you paste the code of the home page or where the featured image code appears?

Navjot Singh comments:

Open the file featured-images2.php under lib/featured-images2 and find this code

<?php if ( ! empty( $files[0]['url'] ) ) : ?>

<?php $target = ( ! empty ( $this->_options['open_new_window'] ) ) ? ' target="_blank"' : ''; ?>

<a href="<?php echo $files[0]['url']; ?>" class="featured-images-link featured-images-link-overlay"<?php echo $target; ?>>
<!-- filler content -->
<?php endif; ?>

and remove it or comment it out.


2510506 answers:

please check pm


Arnav Joy answers:

I also would like to see your current code ..

or can you provide me access to your site to see it ? please send me pm.