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"Feature post" image hover-color WordPress



I am trying to get the "featured post" image at the top of [[LINK href=""]]my theme[[/LINK]] (close-up of the moon) to switch to the color #241C0F upon hovering, like it does in the developer's DEMO of the theme [[LINK href=""]]HERE[[/LINK]].

I think the problem lies in my colors.php file:

/* colors.css

yellow #F2E950
black #241C0F
highlight #FFFFA0


------------------------ */
#wrapper,.post,.byuser p,#commentform, .sidebar li h3 a:hover{background:transparent;}
html, body, .edit, .tabmenu div, #menu-item-wrap, .shadetabs li a.selected, #menu ul li a:hover, div#featured .featured-post h2 a:hover, div#featured .featured-post h2 a:hover{background-color:<?php echo $neu_bodybackground_color; ?>}
#menu, ul.meta-list li a:hover, #nav-above, #nav-below, .tabmenu, .shadetabs li a, .entry-content a:hover, .post blockquote, div#featured .featured-post:hover, div#featured, .comment a:hover, .sidebar li ul li a:hover, .sidebar a:hover, #commentform #submit, #searchform #searchsubmit, #error404-searchsubmit, #noresults-searchsubmit {background-color:<?php echo $neu_bodyfontborder_color; ?>}
#commentform input, #commentform textarea, .input-text, textarea, #searchform #s, #error404-s, input {background-color:<?php echo $neu_formbackground_color; ?>;}
::selection {background-color:<?php echo $neu_formbackground_color; ?>}
::-moz-selection {background-color:<?php echo $neu_formbackground_color; ?>}
a::-moz-selection, a::selection {background-color:<?php echo $neu_formbackground_color; ?>}

Any advice?

Answers (5)


Chris Lee answers:

Sorry, this probably isn't related but your header is misspelled: "antagonsim" not "antagonism". Apologies if you've already spotted this.

Looks like Oleg's got this your answer. So i won't intrude.


Chris Lee


Monit Jadhav answers:

Its actually happening. Problem is with the inline styling of the background image in the #featured div. Will post solution to it shortly.

Monit Jadhav comments:

Heres how you override inline styling copy paste this class in your css at very bottom and things should fix.

div#featured:hover[style] {
background:#241C0F !important;

That should fix it. Let me know if you still could not get it to work.

My working demo here



Oleg Butuzov answers:

#featured:hover {background:#241C0F !important;}

and the original site has

#menu, ul.meta-list li a:hover, #nav-above, #nav-below, .tabmenu, .shadetabs li a, .entry-content a:hover, .post blockquote, div#featured:hover, div#featured, .comment a:hover, .sidebar li ul li a:hover, .sidebar a:hover, #commentform #submit, #searchform #searchsubmit, #error404-searchsubmit {


Sidd answers:

Oleg has it

Update > I wonder why Oleg did not get the money. He answered correctly and was first !! ??


SmashinGeeks answers:

You need this code as this CSS is used by that theme.

------------------------ */
#wrapper,.post,.byuser p,#commentform, .sidebar li h3 a:hover{background:transparent;}
html, body, .edit, .tabmenu div, #menu-item-wrap, .shadetabs li a.selected, #menu ul li a:hover, div#featured .featured-post h2 a:hover, div#featured .featured-post h2 a:hover{background-color:#F2E950}
#menu, ul.meta-list li a:hover, #nav-above, #nav-below, .tabmenu, .shadetabs li a, .entry-content a:hover, .post blockquote, div#featured .featured-post:hover, div#featured, .comment a:hover, .sidebar li ul li a:hover, .sidebar a:hover, #commentform #submit, #searchform #searchsubmit, #error404-searchsubmit, #noresults-searchsubmit {background-color:#241C0F}
#commentform input, #commentform textarea, .input-text, textarea, #searchform #s, #error404-s, input {background-color:#FFFFA0;}
::selection {background-color:#FFFFA0}
::-moz-selection {background-color:#FFFFA0}
a::-moz-selection, a::selection {background-color:#FFFFA0}

------------------------ */
#menu ul li a, .back:link, .back:visited, .back:hover, .back:active, .back:focus, #nav-above, #nav-above a, #nav-below a, .meta-nav, .shadetabs li a, .shadetabs li a:link, .shadetabs li a:visited, .shadetabs li a:active, .shadetabs li a:hover, .entry-content a:hover, .post blockquote, ul.meta-list li a:hover, div#featured, div#featured .featured-post h2 a, div#featured .featured-post a, div#featured .featured-post a:hover, .comment a:hover, .sidebar li ul li a:hover, .sidebar a:hover, #commentform #submit, #searchform #searchsubmit, #error404-searchsubmit, #noresults-searchsubmit {color:#F2E950}
a, a:hover, #menu ul li a:hover, strong, .green, #header a:link, #header a:visited, #header a:hover, #header a:active, #header a:focus, #countrytabs li a.selected, #countrytabs li a.selected:active, #countrytabs li a.selected:focus, #countrytabs li a.selected:link, #countrytabs li a.selected:hover, .entry-meta, .entry-meta a:hover, h2.entry-title a:hover, a.fn:hover, .fn, a.fn, .entry-meta h2, .post h2, .post h3, .post h4, .post h5, #search h2, .emptysearch, .error, div#featured .featured-post h2 a:hover, .pagenav a:link, .pagenav a:visited, .pagenav a:hover, .pagenav a:active, .pagenav a:focus, .prev h2 a:hover, .prev h2 a:active, .prev h2 a:focus, .next h2 a:hover, .next h2 a:active, .next h2 a:focus, .pagination, .pagination a:link, .pagination a:visited, .pagination a:hover, .pagination a:active, .pagination a:focus, .comment cite, .comment .moderation, #commentform a:link, #commentform a:visited, #commentform a:hover, #commentform a:active, #commentform a:focus, #comments h3, #commentform h3, #sidebar, .sidebar li h3 a:hover, #sidebar #sb-2 a:link, #sidebar #sb-2 a:visited, #sidebar a:link, #sidebar a:visited, #sidebar #sb-2 a:hover, #sidebar #sb-2 a:active, #sidebar #sb-2 a:focus, #sidebar a:hover, #sidebar a:active, #sidebar a:focus, #footer, #footer a:link, #footer a:visited, #footer a:hover, #footer a:active, #footer a:focus, #commentform input, #commentform textarea, .input-text, textarea, #searchform #s, #error404-s {color:#241C0F}
.edit-link a, .edit-link a:visited, .edit-link a:link, .required {color:#F00}

------------------------ */
a, #nav-below a:hover, div#featured .featured-post a:hover, .post .thePic .attachment-thumbnail {border-bottom:5px solid #F2E950;}
.shadetabs li a.selected{border-bottom: 1px solid #F2E950;}

.post, .p1, .hentry, .tabmenu, #comments, #commentform #submit, #searchform #searchsubmit, #error404-searchsubmit, #noresults-searchsubmit {border-top:5px solid #241C0F;}
ul#countrytabs {border-right:5px solid #241C0F;}
a:hover,.entry-content ul#archives-page li h3, .post .thePic .attachment-thumbnail:hover, .sidebar h3, #commentform input, #commentform textarea, .input-text, textarea, #commentform #submit, #searchform #s, #searchform #searchsubmit, #error404-s, #error404-searchsubmit, #commentform input, #commentform textarea, .input-text, textarea, #searchform #s, #error404-s, input, #noresults-searchsubmit {border-bottom:5px solid #241C0F;}
ul#countrytabs {border-left:5px solid #241C0F}
.tabmenu div {border-color:#241C0F;}

#menu-item-wrap, .entry-content ul li, .entry-content ol li, .entry ul li ul li, .entry-content ul li ul li, .entry ol li ol li, .entry-content ol li ol li, ul.meta-list, #comments-list ul, #commentform, .sidebar li ul li ul li {border-top:1px solid #241C0F;}
.entry ul, .entry-content ul, .entry ol, .entry-content ol, ul.meta-list li, .comment-meta, .sidebar li ul li {border-bottom:1px solid #241C0F;}
.comment-author-admin p{border-left:1px solid #241C0F}

div.entry-content ul#archives-page, div.entry ul#archives-page, .entry-content ul#archives-page li.content-column, .comment, #commentform textarea, #commentform input, #searchform #s, #error404-s, #noresults-s, .shadetabs li {border-top:none;}
#commentform textarea, #commentform input, #commentform #submit, #searchform #s, #searchform #searchsubmit, #error404-s, #error404-searchsubmit, #noresults-s, #noresults-searchsubmit {border-right:none;}
#menu ul li a, #nav-below a, .shadetabs li a, .entry ul li ul li, .entry-content ul li ul li, .entry ol li ol li, .entry-content ol li ol li, .entry-content ul#archives-page, ul.meta-list, div#featured .featured-post a, div#featured .featured-post h2 a, div#featured .featured-post h2 a:hover, .sidebar li ul li ul li {border-bottom:none;}
#commentform textarea, #commentform input, #commentform #submit, #searchform #s, #searchform #searchsubmit, #error404-s, #error404-searchsubmit, #noresults-s, #noresults-searchsubmit {border-left:none;}

abbr, #menu-item-wrap, .entry-content a, ul.meta-list li a, .post img, .comment a, .sidebar li ul li a, .sidebar a, #footer {border:none}