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Favicon issues WordPress

Hi Guys

My favicon is showing nicely on my Chrome tabs but not in the address bar

See this screenshot

I am using Genesis and Dynamik so have uploaded a file called favicon.png to the dynamik child theme folder and I have also added a favicon.ico file to the root of the sites directory at WP Engine.

Also a different favicon shows when I'm logged in which is odd

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Answers (8)


Galia Bahat answers:

Try emptying the cache & waiting? It sounds ok on the website's end.

Can you give us the URL?


Ryan S answers:

I viewed your site and it works fine, it actually not display the favicon in that area, what to display in there is a Lock icon if your site is SSL or secure enabled.

e.g. code
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="" />

Hope that helps


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:

Hello Steve,

Favicon displaying correctly in Chrome, Firefox and Safari here. Try after clearing cache

Not working in IE. Change image file from .png to .ico. Hope that will work.



Navjot Singh answers:

Chrome does not display a favicon in the address bar. It is used to show a globe icon in case a secured site has been accessed. Your favicon is working fine.

Steve Watson comments:

Excellent Navjot... I have just found an article which explains exactly what you have said. So it's not my favicon its Chrome's new security settings that enable to see if we are looking at a secure site or not. You either get a blank page icon or a green padlock

Thanks for you help

Navjot Singh comments:

Right. Same is the case with Firefox.

Can you show the icon you see while logged on? Does that icon show across the frontend while logged in or in the admin area?


Firoja_Imtosupport answers:


In the wordpress dashboard – hover on Genesis in the left sidebar.
Select Dynamik Design from the dropdown menu that appears.
Select “Images” in the second row of tabs
HERE IS THE KICKER: Upload a 16×16 image that is called favicon.jpg, favicon.png, or favicon.gif – it can be just about any file type EXCEPT .ico (that’s right – it should NOT be a .ico file) and it must be called “favicon”.
Once you upload this type of image in this manner, refresh your site’s home page and the new favicon should appear.



qdungeng answers:

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="<?php bloginfo('template_directory');?>/images/favicon.ico" />

Your favicon.ico in folder images template of wordpress


jefrey landicho answers:

You can resolve the issue by installing this plugin