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Fatal Error in WPEC translated product WordPress



I'm getting the fatal error in the translated product page of wp ecommerce while using WPML plugin as my translated plugin:

1. I got a price control error in the product edit page.

2. The add to cart function of the product page doesn't work anymore.

Can somebody fix this?

The display-items-functions.php file:


Answers (1)


Arnav Joy answers:

what error msg you are getting?

Eric Looi comments:

I did attached the screenshot.

Here's the error i got on the translated product page:

Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/sphost/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-admin/includes/display-items-functions.php on line 99

This error is in the Price Control column.

Arnav Joy comments:

can you share file

here it is not loading in my computer

Eric Looi comments:

Hi Arnav,

I've just emailed you the file.


Arnav Joy comments:

can you show me the url

Eric Looi comments:

I will create you a username later.

When you login, please go to:

1. Products --> Products
2. Click edit on the first item
3. On the Language section on the right, click the pencil symbol to go to the translated page.
4. You will see the error at the right bottom of the page.
5. You may view product of the page to see the error I mentioned.


Eric Looi comments:

Did you get the username and password?

Arnav Joy comments:

can you provide me ftp access to site.

Eric Looi comments:

Can you on your skype please? I've added you.


Eric Looi comments:

Sent you the ftp account.

Arnav Joy comments:

FTP is not working please check.

Eric Looi comments:

It appears to be my hosting fault. They are still figuring it out to fix this.

Hope to get back soon.