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Fatal Error- help!! WordPress


I tried to update my word press theme from allancole-

Fatal error: Call to undefined function thematic_before_widget() in /home/content/a/g/a/agatkanyc/html/blog/wp-content/themes/autofocusplus/thematic-functions.php on line 379

And now I can't login in, can't get to my word press dash board - NOTHING.

Please please help!!

Answers (5)


Jonah Schulte answers:

Hi Agatha,

The problem likely has to do with a missing file in the new theme, or a file was not copied over when you upgraded. There's a good chance it has to do with the functions.php file inside your theme folder. Do you still have a copy of the site before you upgraded? If so, can you check the functions.php file and see if the "thematic_before_widget" function exists? If it does, copy that function over to the functions.php file in your new theme folder.

If you want to send me a private message with the login information for your server I would be happy to take a look at the problem for you and fix it. I have over 10 years of experience working on web sites and Wordpress so you would be in good hands!


Jonah Schulte comments:

Something else to try... can you do a "find" inside all of the files for your theme and see where "thematic_before_widget" is referenced? It may not be something you need for your site, in which case you could comment out the code where that function is called to avoid the problem.

Jonah Schulte comments:

As it states the error at a specific location:

/home/content/a/g/a/agatkanyc/html/blog/wp-content/themes/autofocusplus/thematic-functions.php on line 379

Can you comment out the reference to "thematic_before_widget" on line 379 of that file and see if the problem goes away, or if you are then confronted with a different error message instead?

Jonah Schulte comments:

Sorry for the multiple messages... ideas keep coming! You could rename the theme folder "autofocusplus" on your server to something like "autofocusplus2", then create a new folder called "autofocusplus". Inside this new folder, put the files for the default/basic Wordpress theme. This will at least enable you to get back into your Wordpress admin page. The problem is most likely in the files for the theme itself. Have you customized the theme heavily or are you using it out-of-the-box?

Jonah Schulte comments:

Hi Agatha,

I just saw your note about not being sure where to check these things. I think the best option may be to send the login information for your server to me in a private message and I can fix the problem for you.




Michelle Dancer answers:

It looks like you've somehow managed to delete or rename or otherwise break your Thematic theme. Since Autofocus is a child theme it relies on Thematic being installed to run.

If your Thematic folder is still there, try reuploading it in case it's somehow become damaged.

Agatha Wasilewska comments:

Hi All!
The problem is I don't even know where to check these things!

Michelle Dancer comments:

Ok how did you upload the theme? Were you using it on this site previously? If not you'll need to download the [[LINK href=""]]Thematic theme[[/LINK]] and upload it to

Agatha Wasilewska comments:

This is what I get when I go there:

Page Not Found

The page you tried to access does not exist on this server. This page may not exist due to the following reasons:

You are the owner of this web site and you have not uploaded (or incorrectly uploaded) your web site. For information on uploading your web site using FTP client software or web design software, click here for FTP Upload Information.
The URL that you have entered in your browser is incorrect. Please re-enter the URL and try again.
The Link that you clicked on incorrectly points to this page. Please contact the owner of this web site to inform them of this situation.

Michelle Dancer comments:

Yes you'll need to upload Thematic by FTP, as others have said one of us can do it for you if you give us your server details but if you're uncomfortable with that and you're not sure how to use FTP your host should be able to help you :)


Rashad Aliyev answers:


Probably your upgrade doesn't completed truly. It can be from your host settings.


Monster Coder answers:

You better login to your site using FTP! check wp-content/themes and delete thematic directory and download it from and upload it there! it should be fix!

if you can't find that too, please provide FTP access on PM so that we can help further!



Baki Goxhaj answers:

Try to upgrade thematic too.