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Facebook like counter always zero and facebook comments disapear WordPress

I have some problem with the Facebook plugins in the site:

In some posts the like button counter always stays on zero, but there are some posts that the counter works just fine. I've tried to disable all the social plugins in my site (maybe some conflict between them) and put simple Facebook like code from the Facebook developers site, and still the counter didn't work.

another problem is that my Facebook comments sometimes disappear...

So basically, what that i need is someone that will fix my social plugins in my site..

Thank you

Answers (3)


Arnav Joy answers:

please show me the url where like count or comments not working

Guy Klainer comments:

This page sometimes have facebook comments and sometime not

and on this page the likes counter of the posts are remaining zero.. but not for all of them

Arnav Joy comments:

have you entered api and secret key correctly while configuring fb on your site?

Guy Klainer comments:

its a wordpress plugin...
there are no such fields in there, and this plugin works fine in other sites


designchemical answers:


The facebook debug tool is showing errors on the pages where the like button isnt working:

You can check URLs using:

Make sure you specify an image URL in the opengraph image meta tag, usually this will solve facebook like button problems.


Jatin Soni answers:

Why don't you try to add manually those social icons. Because sometimes other plugin also can conflict to each other.

If you want I can add it manually for you.

Guy Klainer comments:

I have tried to add them manually.. It didn't help///

Jatin Soni comments:

I can try it if you want. May be it works