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Facebook Login - check for user email WordPress



we are using facebook login for our user to log in and post comments as well as submitting a form. For this purpose we use

We have changed the plugin a tiny bit, so that the page does not reload on login. Now we are facing the issue that the name and email of the user has not been loaded and included in the wordpress database, when the login has finished successful. At some point of the login we need a check for username and email to be integrated.

Does anyone have an idea how to do this or good experience with facebook login?

Answers (2)


Sabby Sam answers:

Hi Robork,
I guess you have to send value using jquery, or call ajax function,
eg like this : $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: "message_form.php",
data: { name: "John", location: "Boston" }
}).done(function( msg ) {
alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );

robork comments:

Thats the code:

We have this Ajax function:
jQuery.ajax({type:'POST', url: '', data:{action:'wordpress_social_login',provider:'Facebook'}, success: function(response) {


And this code:
* WordPress Social Login
* |
* (c) 2011-2013 Mohamed Mrassi and contributors |

* .. Here's where the dragon resides ..
* Authenticate users via social networks. to sum things up, here is how stuff works:
* [icons links] A wild visitor appear and click on one of these providers icons which will redirect him to wp-login.php
* => [wp-login.php] wp-login.php will call wsl_process_login() and attempt to authenticate the user throught Hybridauth Library;
* => [Hybridauth] <=> [Provider] Hybridauth and the Provider will have some little chat on their own;
* => [Provider] If the visitor consent and agrees to authenticate, then horray for you;
* => [wp-login.php] Provider will then redirect the user to back wp-login.php where wsl_process_login() is fired;
* => [callback URL] If things goes as expected, the wsl_process_login will log the user on your website and redirect him (again lolz) there.
* when wsl_process_login() is triggered, it will attempt to reconize the user.
* If he exist on the database as WSL user, then fine we cut things short.
* If not, attempt to reconize users based on his email (this only when users authenticate through Facebook, Google, Yahoo or Foursquare as these provides verified emails).
* Otherwise create new account for him.

// Exit if accessed directly
if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login()
if( ! wsl_process_login_checks() ){
return null;

if( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] == "wordpress_social_authenticate" ){

add_action( 'init', 'wsl_process_login' );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_checks()
if( ! isset( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] ) ){
return false;

if( ! in_array( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ], array( "wordpress_social_login", "wordpress_social_link", "wordpress_social_authenticate" ) ) ){
return false;

// dont be silly
if( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] == "wordpress_social_link" && ! is_user_logged_in() ){
wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Bouncer say don't be silly!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

return false;

if( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] == "wordpress_social_link" && get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_linking_accounts_enabled' ) != 1 ){
wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Bouncer say this makes no sense.", 'wordpress-social-login') );

return false;

// Bouncer :: Allow authentication
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_authentication_enabled' ) == 2 ){
wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("WSL is disabled!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

return false;

return true;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_auth()

$assets_base_url = WORDPRESS_SOCIAL_LOGIN_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/img/';

// let display a loading message. should be better than a white screen
if( isset( $_REQUEST["provider"] ) && ! isset( $_REQUEST["redirect_to_provider"] ) ){

// if user select a provider to login with
// and redirect_to_provider eq ture
if( ! ( isset( $_REQUEST["provider"] ) && isset( $_REQUEST["redirect_to_provider"] ) ) ){
wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Bouncer says this makes no sense.", 'wordpress-social-login') );

return false;

// Bouncer :: Accounts Linking is enabled
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_linking_accounts_enabled' ) != 1 && isset( $_REQUEST["link"] ) ){
wp_die( _wsl__("Bouncer say you are doin it wrong.", 'wordpress-social-login') );

if( ! isset( $_REQUEST["link"] ) && is_user_logged_in() ){
global $current_user;

wp_die( sprintf( _wsl__("You are already logged in as %s.", 'wordpress-social-login'), $current_user->display_name ) );

# Hybrid_Auth already used?
if ( class_exists('Hybrid_Auth', false) ) {
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Error: Another plugin seems to be using HybridAuth Library and made WordPress Social Login unusable. We recommand to find this plugin and to kill it with fire!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

// load hybridauth
require_once WORDPRESS_SOCIAL_LOGIN_ABS_PATH . "/hybridauth/Hybrid/Auth.php";

// selected provider name
$provider = @ trim( strip_tags( $_REQUEST["provider"] ) );

// build required configuratoin for this provider
if( ! get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_enabled' ) ){
throw new Exception( _wsl__( 'Unknown or disabled provider', 'wordpress-social-login') );

// default endpoint_url/callback_url
$callback_url = null; // autogenerated by hybridauth

// overwrite endpoint_url if need'd
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_base_url' ) ){
$endpoint_url = ''; // fixme!
$callback_url = ''; // fixme!

// check hybridauth_base_url
if( ! strstr( $endpoint_url, "http://" ) && ! strstr( $endpoint_url, "https://" ) ){
throw new Exception( 'Invalid base_url: ' . $endpoint_url, 9 );

$config = array();
$config["base_url"] = $endpoint_url;
$config["providers"] = array();
$config["providers"][$provider] = array();
$config["providers"][$provider]["enabled"] = true;

// provider application id ?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_id' ) ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["keys"]["id"] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_id' );

// provider application key ?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_key' ) ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["keys"]["key"] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_key' );

// provider application secret ?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_secret' ) ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["keys"]["secret"] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_secret' );

// reset scope for if facebook
if( strtolower( $provider ) == "facebook" ){
//$config["providers"][$provider]["scope"] = "email, user_about_me, user_birthday, user_hometown, user_website";
$config["providers"][$provider]["scope"] = "email";
$config["providers"][$provider]["display"] = "popup";

// reset scope for if google
if( strtolower( $provider ) == "google" ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["scope"] = "";

// Contacts import
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_contacts_import_facebook' ) == 1 && strtolower( $provider ) == "facebook" ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["scope"] = "email, user_about_me, user_birthday, user_hometown, user_website, read_friendlists";

if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_contacts_import_google' ) == 1 && strtolower( $provider ) == "google" ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["scope"] = "";

// create an instance for Hybridauth
$hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth( $config );

// try to authenticate the selected $provider
$params = array();

// if callback_url defined, overwrite Hybrid_Auth::getCurrentUrl();
if( $callback_url ){
$params["hauth_return_to"] = $callback_url;

$adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate( $provider, $params );

// further testing
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_development_mode_enabled' ) ){
$profile = $adapter->getUserProfile( $provider );

if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_use_popup' ) == 1 || ! get_option( 'wsl_settings_use_popup' ) ){

$logout_url = get_permalink( get_the_ID() ).'/?action=fb_logout';

function init() {
'action' : 'wordpress_social_login',
'provider' : '<?php echo $provider ?>'
<script src="//"></script>

var data_url = window.opener.jQuery("#current_page_url").attr('data_url');

//Hide Div Classes around Fb button

//Add a Logout Link
window.opener.jQuery(".menu #comment_logout").html('<a href="'+data_url+'?action=fb_logout" title="Hier abmelden">Abmelden</a>');
window.opener.jQuery(".menu #comment_logout").show();

//Remove the Email and Author field in the comment section and fill fields with random info to kill WP validation errror
//window.opener.jQuery("#attachmentForm #author").val('facebook author');
//window.opener.jQuery("#attachmentForm #email").val('[email protected]');
window.opener.jQuery("#attachmentForm #author").hide();
window.opener.jQuery("#attachmentForm #email").hide();
//Show submit button and change Layout
window.opener.jQuery("#submit").val('Mit Facebook abschicken');

// Remove fields from Robular - fields need to be adapted

//Show Robular submit button and change Layout
window.opener.jQuery("#gform_submit_button_20").val('Mit Facebook abschicken');

</head><body onLoad="init();"></body></html>
elseif( get_option( 'wsl_settings_use_popup' ) == 2 ){
$redirect_to = site_url();

if( isset( $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ] ) ){
$redirect_to = urldecode( $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ] );
function init() {

document.loginform.submit() }
</script></head><body onLoad="init();">
<form name="loginform" method="post" action="<?php echo site_url( 'wp-login.php', 'login_post' ); ?>">
<input type="hidden" id="redirect_to" name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo $redirect_to ?>">
<input type="hidden" id="provider" name="provider" value="<?php echo $provider ?>">
if( isset( $_REQUEST["link"] ) && (int) $_REQUEST["link"] ){
<input type="hidden" id="action" name="action" value="wordpress_social_link">
} else {
<input type="hidden" id="action" name="action" value="wordpress_social_login">
catch( Exception $e ){
wsl_process_login_render_error_page( $e, $config, $hybridauth, $adapter, $profile );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_render_error_page( $e, $config, $hybridauth, $adapter, $profile )
$assets_base_url = WORDPRESS_SOCIAL_LOGIN_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/img/';

$message = _wsl__("Unspecified error!", 'wordpress-social-login');
$hint = "";

switch( $e->getCode() ){
case 0 : $message = _wsl__("Unspecified error.", 'wordpress-social-login'); break;
case 1 : $message = _wsl__("Hybriauth configuration error.", 'wordpress-social-login'); break;
case 2 : $message = _wsl__("Provider not properly configured.", 'wordpress-social-login'); break;
case 3 : $message = _wsl__("Unknown or disabled provider.", 'wordpress-social-login'); break;
case 4 : $message = _wsl__("Missing provider application credentials.", 'wordpress-social-login');
$hint = sprintf( _wsl__("What does this error mean ?<br />Most likely, you didn't setup the correct application credentials for this provider. These credentials are required in order for %s users to access your website and for WordPress Social Login to work.", 'wordpress-social-login'), $provider ) . _wsl__('<br />Instructions for use can be found in the <a href="" target="_blank">User Manual</a>.', 'wordpress-social-login');
case 5 : $message = _wsl__("Authentification failed. The user has canceled the authentication or the provider refused the connection.", 'wordpress-social-login'); break;
case 6 : $message = _wsl__("User profile request failed. Most likely the user is not connected to the provider and he should to authenticate again.", 'wordpress-social-login');
if( is_object( $adapter ) ) $adapter->logout();
case 7 : $message = _wsl__("User not connected to the provider.", 'wordpress-social-login');
if( is_object( $adapter ) ) $adapter->logout();
case 8 : $message = _wsl__("Provider does not support this feature.", 'wordpress-social-login'); break;

case 9 : $message = $e->getMessage(); break;

@ session_destroy();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="robots" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
HR {
border: 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 50px;
html {
background: #f9f9f9;
#wsl {
background: #fff;
color: #333;
font-family: sans-serif;
margin: 2em auto;
padding: 1em 2em;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
max-width: 700px;
font-size: 14px;
<div id="wsl">
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td align="center"><br /><img src="<?php echo $assets_base_url ?>alert.png" /></td>
<td align="center"><br /><h4><?php _wsl_e("Something bad happen!", 'wordpress-social-login') ?></h4><br /></td>
<td align="center">
<p style="line-height: 20px;padding: 8px;background-color: #FFEBE8;border:1px solid #CC0000;border-radius: 3px;padding: 10px;text-align:center;">
<?php echo $message ; ?>

<?php if( $hint ) { ?>
<td align="center">
<p style="line-height: 25px;padding: 8px;border-top:1px solid #ccc;padding: 10px;text-align:left;">
<?php echo $hint ; ?>
<?php } ?>

// Development mode on?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_development_mode_enabled' ) ){
wsl_process_login_render_debug_section( $e, $config, $hybridauth, $adapter, $profile );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_render_debug_section( $e, $config, $hybridauth, $adapter, $profile )
<td align="center">
<div style="padding: 5px;margin: 5px;background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F5F5F5;border-radius:3px;">
<div id="bug_report">
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SESSION["wsl::plugin"] ?>">
<table width="90%" border="0">
<td align="left" valign="top">
<pre style="width:800px;"><?php print_r( $e ) ?></pre>

<hr />

<pre style="width:800px;"><?php print_r( array( $config, $hybridauth, $adapter, $profile ) ) ?></pre>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<input type="submit" style="width: 300px;height: 33px;" value="Send the error report to the developer" />

<textarea name="report" style="display:none;"><?php echo base64_encode( print_r( array( $e, $config, $hybridauth, $adapter, $profile, $_SERVER ), TRUE ) ) ?></textarea>
<?php _wsl_e("Note: This message can be disabled from the plugin settings by setting Development mode to Disabled", 'wordpress-social-login') ?>.

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_render_loading_page()
$assets_base_url = WORDPRESS_SOCIAL_LOGIN_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/img/';

// selected provider
$provider = @ trim( strip_tags( $_REQUEST["provider"] ) );

if( isset( $_REQUEST["link"] ) && (int) $_REQUEST["link"] ){
// todo
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="robots" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title><?php _wsl_e("Redirecting...", 'wordpress-social-login') ?></title>
function init(){
setTimeout( function(){window.location.href = window.location.href + "&redirect_to_provider=true"}, 750 );
html {
background: #f9f9f9;
#wsl {
background: #fff;
color: #333;
font-family: sans-serif;
margin: 2em auto;
padding: 1em 2em;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
max-width: 700px;
font-size: 14px;
<body onLoad="init();">
<div id="wsl">
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td align="center" height="40px"><br /><br /><?php echo sprintf( _wsl__( "Contacting %s, please wait...", 'wordpress-social-login'), ucfirst( $provider ) ) ?></td>
<td align="center" height="80px" valign="middle"><img src="<?php echo $assets_base_url ?>loading.gif" /></td>

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_reauth()
do_action( "wsl_hook_process_login_before_start" );

$redirect_to = apply_filters("wsl_hook_process_login_alter_redirect_to", wsl_process_login_get_redirect_to() ) ;

$provider = apply_filters("wsl_hook_process_login_alter_provider", wsl_process_login_get_provider() ) ;

// authenticate user via a social network ( $provider )
$user_id , // ..
$adapter , // ..
$hybridauth_user_profile , // ..
$hybridauth_user_id , // ..
$hybridauth_user_email , // ..
$request_user_login , // ..
$request_user_email , // ..
= wsl_process_login_hybridauth_authenticate( $provider, $redirect_to );

// if user found on database
if( $user_id ){
$user_data = get_userdata( $user_id );
$user_login = $user_data->user_login;
$user_email = $hybridauth_user_profile->email;

// otherwise, create new user and associate provider identity
$user_id , // ..
$user_login , // ..
$user_email , // ..
= wsl_process_login_create_wp_user( $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile, $request_user_login, $request_user_email );

// There was a bug when *_create_wp_user returned WP_Error, so just in case
if( ! is_integer( $user_id ) ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Invalid user_id returned by create_wp_user.", 'wordpress-social-login') );

// finally create a wp session for the user
return wsl_process_login_authenticate_wp_user( $user_id, $provider, $redirect_to, $adapter, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_get_redirect_to()
if ( isset( $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ] ) && $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ] != '' ){
$redirect_to = $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ];

// Redirect to https if user wants ssl
if ( isset( $secure_cookie ) && $secure_cookie && false !== strpos( $redirect_to, 'wp-admin') ){
$redirect_to = preg_replace( '|^http://|', 'https://', $redirect_to );

if ( strpos( $redirect_to, 'wp-admin') && ! is_user_logged_in() ){
$redirect_to = get_option( 'wsl_settings_redirect_url' );

if ( strpos( $redirect_to, 'wp-login.php') ){
$redirect_to = get_option( 'wsl_settings_redirect_url' );

if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_redirect_url' ) != site_url() ){
$redirect_to = get_option( 'wsl_settings_redirect_url' );

if( empty( $redirect_to ) ){
$redirect_to = get_option( 'wsl_settings_redirect_url' );

if( empty( $redirect_to ) ){
$redirect_to = site_url();

return $redirect_to;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_get_provider()
// selected provider name
$provider = @ trim( strip_tags( $_REQUEST["provider"] ) );

return $provider;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_hybridauth_authenticate( $provider, $redirect_to )
# Hybrid_Auth already used?
if ( class_exists('Hybrid_Auth', false) ) {
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Error: Another plugin seems to be using HybridAuth Library and made WordPress Social Login unusable. We recommand to find this plugin and to kill it with fire!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

// load hybridauth
require_once WORDPRESS_SOCIAL_LOGIN_ABS_PATH . "/hybridauth/Hybrid/Auth.php";

// build required configuratoin for this provider
if( ! get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_enabled' ) ){
throw new Exception( 'Unknown or disabled provider' );

$config = array();
$config["providers"] = array();
$config["providers"][$provider] = array();
$config["providers"][$provider]["enabled"] = true;

// provider application id ?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_id' ) ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["keys"]["id"] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_id' );

// provider application key ?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_key' ) ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["keys"]["key"] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_key' );

// provider application secret ?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_secret' ) ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["keys"]["secret"] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_secret' );

// create an instance for Hybridauth
$hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth( $config );

// try to authenticate the selected $provider
if( $hybridauth->isConnectedWith( $provider ) ){
$adapter = $hybridauth->getAdapter( $provider );

$hybridauth_user_profile = $adapter->getUserProfile();

// check hybridauth user email
$hybridauth_user_id = (int) wsl_get_user_by_meta( $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile->identifier );
$hybridauth_user_email = sanitize_email( $hybridauth_user_profile->email );
$hybridauth_user_login = sanitize_user( $hybridauth_user_profile->displayName );

$request_user_login = "";
$request_user_email = "";

# {{{ linking new accounts
// Bouncer :: Accounts Linking is enabled
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_linking_accounts_enabled' ) == 1 ){
// if user is linking account
// . we DO import contacts
// . we DO store the user profile
// . we DONT create another entry on user table
// . we DONT create nor update his data on usermeata table
if( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] == "wordpress_social_link" ){
global $current_user;

$user_id = $current_user->ID;

return wsl_process_login_authenticate_wp_user_linked_account( $user_id, $provider, $redirect_to, $adapter, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// check if connected user is linked account
$linked_account = wsl_get_user_linked_account_by_provider_and_identifier( $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile->identifier );

// if linked account found, we connect the actual user
if( $linked_account ){
if( count( $linked_account ) > 1 ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("This $provider is linked to many accounts!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

$user_id = $linked_account[0]->user_id;

if( ! $user_id ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Something wrong!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

return wsl_process_login_authenticate_wp_user( $user_id, $provider, $redirect_to, $adapter, $hybridauth_user_profile );
# }}} linking new accounts

# {{{ module Bouncer
// Bouncer :: Filters by emails domains name
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_domain_enabled' ) == 1 ){
if( empty( $hybridauth_user_email ) ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_domain_text_bounce' ) );

$list = get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_domain_list' );
$list = preg_split( '/$\R?^/m', $list );

$current = strstr( $hybridauth_user_email, '@' );

$shall_pass = false;
foreach( $list as $item ){
if( trim( strtolower( "@$item" ) ) == strtolower( $current ) ){
$shall_pass = true;

if( ! $shall_pass ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_domain_text_bounce' ) );

// Bouncer :: Filters by e-mails addresses
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_email_enabled' ) == 1 ){
if( empty( $hybridauth_user_email ) ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_email_text_bounce' ) );

$list = get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_email_list' );
$list = preg_split( '/$\R?^/m', $list );

$shall_pass = false;
foreach( $list as $item ){
if( trim( strtolower( $item ) ) == strtolower( $hybridauth_user_email ) ){
$shall_pass = true;

if( ! $shall_pass ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_email_text_bounce' ) );

// Bouncer :: Filters by profile urls
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_profile_enabled' ) == 1 ){
$list = get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_profile_list' );
$list = preg_split( '/$\R?^/m', $list );

$shall_pass = false;
foreach( $list as $item ){
if( trim( strtolower( $item ) ) == strtolower( $hybridauth_user_profile->profileURL ) ){
$shall_pass = true;

if( ! $shall_pass ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_profile_text_bounce' ) );

// if user do not exist
if( ! $hybridauth_user_id ){
// Bouncer :: Accept new registrations
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_registration_enabled' ) == 2 ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("registration is now closed!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

// Bouncer :: Profile Completion
( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_profile_completion_require_email' ) == 1 && empty( $hybridauth_user_email ) ) ||
get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_profile_completion_change_username' ) == 1
list( $shall_pass, $request_user_login, $request_user_email ) = wsl_process_login_complete_registration( $provider, $redirect_to, $hybridauth_user_email, $hybridauth_user_login );
while( ! $shall_pass );
# }}} module Bouncer
throw new Exception( 'User not connected with ' . $provider . '!' );
catch( Exception $e ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( sprintf( _wsl__("Unspecified error. #%d", 'wordpress-social-login'), $e->getCode() ) );

$user_id = null;

// if the user email is verified, then try to map to legacy account if exist
// > Currently only Facebook, Google, Yahaoo and Foursquare do provide the verified user email.
if ( ! empty( $hybridauth_user_profile->emailVerified ) ){
$user_id = (int) email_exists( $hybridauth_user_profile->emailVerified );

// try to get user by meta if not
if( ! $user_id ){
$user_id = (int) wsl_get_user_by_meta( $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile->identifier );

return array(

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_create_wp_user( $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile, $request_user_login, $request_user_email )
// HOOKABLE: any action to fire right before a user created on database
do_action( 'wsl_hook_process_login_before_create_wp_user' );

$user_login = null;
$user_email = null;

// if coming from "complete registration form"
if( $request_user_email && $request_user_login ){
$user_login = $request_user_login;
$user_email = $request_user_email;

# else, validate/generate the login and user email
// generate a valid user login
$user_login = trim( str_replace( ' ', '_', strtolower( $hybridauth_user_profile->displayName ) ) );
$user_email = $hybridauth_user_profile->email;

if( empty( $user_login ) ){
$user_login = trim( $hybridauth_user_profile->lastName . " " . $hybridauth_user_profile->firstName );

if( empty( $user_login ) ){
$user_login = strtolower( $provider ) . "_user_" . md5( $hybridauth_user_profile->identifier );

// user name should be unique
if ( username_exists ( $user_login ) ){
$i = 1;
$user_login_tmp = $user_login;

$user_login_tmp = $user_login . "_" . ($i++);
} while (username_exists ($user_login_tmp));

$user_login = $user_login_tmp;

// generate an email if none
if ( ! isset ( $user_email ) OR ! is_email( $user_email ) ){
$user_email = strtolower( $provider . "_user_" . $user_login ) . "";

// email should be unique
if ( email_exists ( $user_email ) ){
$user_email = md5(uniqid(wp_rand(10000,99000)))."";
} while( email_exists( $user_email ) );

$user_login = sanitize_user ($user_login, true);

if( ! validate_username( $user_login ) ){
$user_login = strtolower( $provider ) . "_user_" . md5( $hybridauth_user_profile->identifier );

$display_name = $hybridauth_user_profile->displayName;

if( $request_user_login || empty ( $display_name ) ){
$display_name = $user_login;

$userdata = array(
'user_login' => $user_login,
'user_email' => $user_email,

'display_name' => $display_name,

'first_name' => $hybridauth_user_profile->firstName,
'last_name' => $hybridauth_user_profile->lastName,
'user_url' => $hybridauth_user_profile->profileURL,
'description' => $hybridauth_user_profile->description,

'user_pass' => wp_generate_password()

// Bouncer :: Membership level
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_membership_default_role' ) != "default" ){
$userdata['role'] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_membership_default_role' );

// Bouncer :: User Moderation : None
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) == 1 ){
// well do nothing..

// Bouncer :: User Moderation : Yield to Theme My Login plugin
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) > 100 ){
$userdata['role'] = "pending";

// HOOKABLE: change the user data
$userdata = apply_filters( 'wsl_hook_process_login_alter_userdata', $userdata, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// HOOKABLE: any action to fire right before a user created on database
do_action( 'wsl_hook_process_login_before_insert_user', $userdata, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// HOOKABLE: delegate user insert to a custom function
$user_id = apply_filters( 'wsl_hook_process_login_alter_insert_user', $userdata, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// Create a new user
if( ! $user_id || ! is_integer( $user_id ) ){
$user_id = wp_insert_user( $userdata );

// update user metadata
if( $user_id && is_integer( $user_id ) ){
update_user_meta( $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile->identifier );

// do not continue without user_id or we'll edit god knows what
else {
if( is_wp_error( $user_id ) ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("An error occurred while creating a new user!" . $user_id->get_error_message(), 'wordpress-social-login') );

return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("An error occurred while creating a new user!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

// Send notifications
if ( get_option( 'wsl_settings_users_notification' ) == 1 ){
wsl_admin_notification( $user_id, $provider );

// HOOKABLE: any action to fire right after a user created on database
do_action( 'wsl_hook_process_login_after_create_wp_user', $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

return array(

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_authenticate_wp_user( $user_id, $provider, $redirect_to, $adapter, $hybridauth_user_profile )
// There was a bug when this function received non-integer user_id and updated random users, let's be safe
if( !is_integer( $user_id ) ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Invalid user_id", 'wordpress-social-login') );

// calculate user age
$user_age = $hybridauth_user_profile->age;

// not that precise you say... well welcome to my world
if( ! $user_age && (int) $hybridauth_user_profile->birthYear ){
$user_age = (int) date("Y") - (int) $hybridauth_user_profile->birthYear;

// update some stuff
$newdata['user_id'] = $user_id; //not to be changed
$newdata['user'] = $provider;
$newdata['user_gender'] = $hybridauth_user_profile->gender;
$newdata['user_age'] = $user_age;
$newdata['user_image'] = $hybridauth_user_profile->photoURL;

$newdata = apply_filters( 'wsl_hook_process_login_alter_update_userdata', $newdata, $hybridauth_user_profile, $provider );

update_user_meta ( $user_id, 'wsl_user' , $newdata['user'] );
update_user_meta ( $user_id, 'wsl_user_gender', $newdata['user_gender'] );
update_user_meta ( $user_id, 'wsl_user_age' , $newdata['user_age'] );
update_user_meta ( $user_id, 'wsl_user_image' , $newdata['user_image'] );

// launch contact import if enabled
wsl_import_user_contacts( $provider, $adapter, $user_id );

// store user hybridauth user profile if needed
wsl_store_hybridauth_user_data( $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// Bouncer :: User Moderation : E-mail Confirmation � Yield to Theme My Login plugin
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) == 101 ){
$redirect_to = site_url( 'wp-login.php', 'login_post' ) . ( strpos( site_url( 'wp-login.php', 'login_post' ), '?' ) ? '&' : '?' ) . "pending=activation";

@ Theme_My_Login_User_Moderation::new_user_activation_notification( $user_id );

// Bouncer :: User Moderation : Admin Approval � Yield to Theme My Login plugin
elseif( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) == 102 ){
$redirect_to = site_url( 'wp-login.php', 'login_post' ) . ( strpos( site_url( 'wp-login.php', 'login_post' ), '?' ) ? '&' : '?' ) . "pending=approval";

// otherwise, let him go..
do_action( "wsl_hook_process_login_before_set_auth_cookie", $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// That's it. create a session for user_id and redirect him to redirect_to
wp_set_auth_cookie( $user_id );


do_action( "wsl_hook_process_login_before_redirect", $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

//wp_safe_redirect( $redirect_to );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_authenticate_wp_user_linked_account( $user_id, $provider, $redirect_to, $hybridauth_user_profile )
// launch contact import if enabled
wsl_import_user_contacts( $provider, $adapter, $user_id );

// store user hybridauth user profile if needed
wsl_store_hybridauth_user_data( $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

do_action( "wsl_hook_process_login_linked_account_before_redirect", $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

wp_safe_redirect( $redirect_to );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:


I don't know how exactly coded in that plugin. Probably when returns from facebook after authentication, you can see code for getting the logged in user details
And that code would be like this

$facebook = new Facebook($fb_config);
$fb_user = $facebook->getUser();
if($fb_user) {
try {
// Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated.
$fb_profile = $facebook->api('/me');

And $fb_profile will have the user details. You can get it like

$id = $fb_profile['id'];
$name = $fb_profile['name'];
$email = $fb_profile['email'];

You can check the email included in database based on this value
Demo code would be like this

$facebook = new Facebook($fb_config);
$fb_user = $facebook->getUser();
if($fb_user) {
try {
// Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated.
$fb_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
$id = $fb_profile['id'];
$name = $fb_profile['name'];
$email = $fb_profile['email'];

// You can check the email included in database from here.

} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
$user = null;

robork comments:

Thats the code:

We have this Ajax function:
jQuery.ajax({type:'POST', url: '', data:{action:'wordpress_social_login',provider:'Facebook'}, success: function(response) {


And this code:
* WordPress Social Login
* |
* (c) 2011-2013 Mohamed Mrassi and contributors |

* .. Here's where the dragon resides ..
* Authenticate users via social networks. to sum things up, here is how stuff works:
* [icons links] A wild visitor appear and click on one of these providers icons which will redirect him to wp-login.php
* => [wp-login.php] wp-login.php will call wsl_process_login() and attempt to authenticate the user throught Hybridauth Library;
* => [Hybridauth] <=> [Provider] Hybridauth and the Provider will have some little chat on their own;
* => [Provider] If the visitor consent and agrees to authenticate, then horray for you;
* => [wp-login.php] Provider will then redirect the user to back wp-login.php where wsl_process_login() is fired;
* => [callback URL] If things goes as expected, the wsl_process_login will log the user on your website and redirect him (again lolz) there.
* when wsl_process_login() is triggered, it will attempt to reconize the user.
* If he exist on the database as WSL user, then fine we cut things short.
* If not, attempt to reconize users based on his email (this only when users authenticate through Facebook, Google, Yahoo or Foursquare as these provides verified emails).
* Otherwise create new account for him.

// Exit if accessed directly
if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login()
if( ! wsl_process_login_checks() ){
return null;

if( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] == "wordpress_social_authenticate" ){

add_action( 'init', 'wsl_process_login' );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_checks()
if( ! isset( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] ) ){
return false;

if( ! in_array( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ], array( "wordpress_social_login", "wordpress_social_link", "wordpress_social_authenticate" ) ) ){
return false;

// dont be silly
if( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] == "wordpress_social_link" && ! is_user_logged_in() ){
wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Bouncer say don't be silly!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

return false;

if( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] == "wordpress_social_link" && get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_linking_accounts_enabled' ) != 1 ){
wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Bouncer say this makes no sense.", 'wordpress-social-login') );

return false;

// Bouncer :: Allow authentication
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_authentication_enabled' ) == 2 ){
wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("WSL is disabled!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

return false;

return true;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_auth()

$assets_base_url = WORDPRESS_SOCIAL_LOGIN_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/img/';

// let display a loading message. should be better than a white screen
if( isset( $_REQUEST["provider"] ) && ! isset( $_REQUEST["redirect_to_provider"] ) ){

// if user select a provider to login with
// and redirect_to_provider eq ture
if( ! ( isset( $_REQUEST["provider"] ) && isset( $_REQUEST["redirect_to_provider"] ) ) ){
wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Bouncer says this makes no sense.", 'wordpress-social-login') );

return false;

// Bouncer :: Accounts Linking is enabled
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_linking_accounts_enabled' ) != 1 && isset( $_REQUEST["link"] ) ){
wp_die( _wsl__("Bouncer say you are doin it wrong.", 'wordpress-social-login') );

if( ! isset( $_REQUEST["link"] ) && is_user_logged_in() ){
global $current_user;

wp_die( sprintf( _wsl__("You are already logged in as %s.", 'wordpress-social-login'), $current_user->display_name ) );

# Hybrid_Auth already used?
if ( class_exists('Hybrid_Auth', false) ) {
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Error: Another plugin seems to be using HybridAuth Library and made WordPress Social Login unusable. We recommand to find this plugin and to kill it with fire!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

// load hybridauth
require_once WORDPRESS_SOCIAL_LOGIN_ABS_PATH . "/hybridauth/Hybrid/Auth.php";

// selected provider name
$provider = @ trim( strip_tags( $_REQUEST["provider"] ) );

// build required configuratoin for this provider
if( ! get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_enabled' ) ){
throw new Exception( _wsl__( 'Unknown or disabled provider', 'wordpress-social-login') );

// default endpoint_url/callback_url
$callback_url = null; // autogenerated by hybridauth

// overwrite endpoint_url if need'd
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_base_url' ) ){
$endpoint_url = ''; // fixme!
$callback_url = ''; // fixme!

// check hybridauth_base_url
if( ! strstr( $endpoint_url, "http://" ) && ! strstr( $endpoint_url, "https://" ) ){
throw new Exception( 'Invalid base_url: ' . $endpoint_url, 9 );

$config = array();
$config["base_url"] = $endpoint_url;
$config["providers"] = array();
$config["providers"][$provider] = array();
$config["providers"][$provider]["enabled"] = true;

// provider application id ?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_id' ) ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["keys"]["id"] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_id' );

// provider application key ?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_key' ) ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["keys"]["key"] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_key' );

// provider application secret ?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_secret' ) ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["keys"]["secret"] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_secret' );

// reset scope for if facebook
if( strtolower( $provider ) == "facebook" ){
//$config["providers"][$provider]["scope"] = "email, user_about_me, user_birthday, user_hometown, user_website";
$config["providers"][$provider]["scope"] = "email";
$config["providers"][$provider]["display"] = "popup";

// reset scope for if google
if( strtolower( $provider ) == "google" ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["scope"] = "";

// Contacts import
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_contacts_import_facebook' ) == 1 && strtolower( $provider ) == "facebook" ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["scope"] = "email, user_about_me, user_birthday, user_hometown, user_website, read_friendlists";

if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_contacts_import_google' ) == 1 && strtolower( $provider ) == "google" ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["scope"] = "";

// create an instance for Hybridauth
$hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth( $config );

// try to authenticate the selected $provider
$params = array();

// if callback_url defined, overwrite Hybrid_Auth::getCurrentUrl();
if( $callback_url ){
$params["hauth_return_to"] = $callback_url;

$adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate( $provider, $params );

// further testing
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_development_mode_enabled' ) ){
$profile = $adapter->getUserProfile( $provider );

if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_use_popup' ) == 1 || ! get_option( 'wsl_settings_use_popup' ) ){

$logout_url = get_permalink( get_the_ID() ).'/?action=fb_logout';

function init() {
'action' : 'wordpress_social_login',
'provider' : '<?php echo $provider ?>'
<script src="//"></script>

var data_url = window.opener.jQuery("#current_page_url").attr('data_url');

//Hide Div Classes around Fb button

//Add a Logout Link
window.opener.jQuery(".menu #comment_logout").html('<a href="'+data_url+'?action=fb_logout" title="Hier abmelden">Abmelden</a>');
window.opener.jQuery(".menu #comment_logout").show();

//Remove the Email and Author field in the comment section and fill fields with random info to kill WP validation errror
//window.opener.jQuery("#attachmentForm #author").val('facebook author');
//window.opener.jQuery("#attachmentForm #email").val('[email protected]');
window.opener.jQuery("#attachmentForm #author").hide();
window.opener.jQuery("#attachmentForm #email").hide();
//Show submit button and change Layout
window.opener.jQuery("#submit").val('Mit Facebook abschicken');

// Remove fields from Robular - fields need to be adapted

//Show Robular submit button and change Layout
window.opener.jQuery("#gform_submit_button_20").val('Mit Facebook abschicken');

</head><body onLoad="init();"></body></html>
elseif( get_option( 'wsl_settings_use_popup' ) == 2 ){
$redirect_to = site_url();

if( isset( $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ] ) ){
$redirect_to = urldecode( $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ] );
function init() {

document.loginform.submit() }
</script></head><body onLoad="init();">
<form name="loginform" method="post" action="<?php echo site_url( 'wp-login.php', 'login_post' ); ?>">
<input type="hidden" id="redirect_to" name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo $redirect_to ?>">
<input type="hidden" id="provider" name="provider" value="<?php echo $provider ?>">
if( isset( $_REQUEST["link"] ) && (int) $_REQUEST["link"] ){
<input type="hidden" id="action" name="action" value="wordpress_social_link">
} else {
<input type="hidden" id="action" name="action" value="wordpress_social_login">
catch( Exception $e ){
wsl_process_login_render_error_page( $e, $config, $hybridauth, $adapter, $profile );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_render_error_page( $e, $config, $hybridauth, $adapter, $profile )
$assets_base_url = WORDPRESS_SOCIAL_LOGIN_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/img/';

$message = _wsl__("Unspecified error!", 'wordpress-social-login');
$hint = "";

switch( $e->getCode() ){
case 0 : $message = _wsl__("Unspecified error.", 'wordpress-social-login'); break;
case 1 : $message = _wsl__("Hybriauth configuration error.", 'wordpress-social-login'); break;
case 2 : $message = _wsl__("Provider not properly configured.", 'wordpress-social-login'); break;
case 3 : $message = _wsl__("Unknown or disabled provider.", 'wordpress-social-login'); break;
case 4 : $message = _wsl__("Missing provider application credentials.", 'wordpress-social-login');
$hint = sprintf( _wsl__("What does this error mean ?<br />Most likely, you didn't setup the correct application credentials for this provider. These credentials are required in order for %s users to access your website and for WordPress Social Login to work.", 'wordpress-social-login'), $provider ) . _wsl__('<br />Instructions for use can be found in the <a href="" target="_blank">User Manual</a>.', 'wordpress-social-login');
case 5 : $message = _wsl__("Authentification failed. The user has canceled the authentication or the provider refused the connection.", 'wordpress-social-login'); break;
case 6 : $message = _wsl__("User profile request failed. Most likely the user is not connected to the provider and he should to authenticate again.", 'wordpress-social-login');
if( is_object( $adapter ) ) $adapter->logout();
case 7 : $message = _wsl__("User not connected to the provider.", 'wordpress-social-login');
if( is_object( $adapter ) ) $adapter->logout();
case 8 : $message = _wsl__("Provider does not support this feature.", 'wordpress-social-login'); break;

case 9 : $message = $e->getMessage(); break;

@ session_destroy();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="robots" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
HR {
border: 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 50px;
html {
background: #f9f9f9;
#wsl {
background: #fff;
color: #333;
font-family: sans-serif;
margin: 2em auto;
padding: 1em 2em;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
max-width: 700px;
font-size: 14px;
<div id="wsl">
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td align="center"><br /><img src="<?php echo $assets_base_url ?>alert.png" /></td>
<td align="center"><br /><h4><?php _wsl_e("Something bad happen!", 'wordpress-social-login') ?></h4><br /></td>
<td align="center">
<p style="line-height: 20px;padding: 8px;background-color: #FFEBE8;border:1px solid #CC0000;border-radius: 3px;padding: 10px;text-align:center;">
<?php echo $message ; ?>

<?php if( $hint ) { ?>
<td align="center">
<p style="line-height: 25px;padding: 8px;border-top:1px solid #ccc;padding: 10px;text-align:left;">
<?php echo $hint ; ?>
<?php } ?>

// Development mode on?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_development_mode_enabled' ) ){
wsl_process_login_render_debug_section( $e, $config, $hybridauth, $adapter, $profile );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_render_debug_section( $e, $config, $hybridauth, $adapter, $profile )
<td align="center">
<div style="padding: 5px;margin: 5px;background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F5F5F5;border-radius:3px;">
<div id="bug_report">
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SESSION["wsl::plugin"] ?>">
<table width="90%" border="0">
<td align="left" valign="top">
<pre style="width:800px;"><?php print_r( $e ) ?></pre>

<hr />

<pre style="width:800px;"><?php print_r( array( $config, $hybridauth, $adapter, $profile ) ) ?></pre>
<td align="center" valign="top">
<input type="submit" style="width: 300px;height: 33px;" value="Send the error report to the developer" />

<textarea name="report" style="display:none;"><?php echo base64_encode( print_r( array( $e, $config, $hybridauth, $adapter, $profile, $_SERVER ), TRUE ) ) ?></textarea>
<?php _wsl_e("Note: This message can be disabled from the plugin settings by setting Development mode to Disabled", 'wordpress-social-login') ?>.

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_render_loading_page()
$assets_base_url = WORDPRESS_SOCIAL_LOGIN_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/img/';

// selected provider
$provider = @ trim( strip_tags( $_REQUEST["provider"] ) );

if( isset( $_REQUEST["link"] ) && (int) $_REQUEST["link"] ){
// todo
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="robots" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title><?php _wsl_e("Redirecting...", 'wordpress-social-login') ?></title>
function init(){
setTimeout( function(){window.location.href = window.location.href + "&redirect_to_provider=true"}, 750 );
html {
background: #f9f9f9;
#wsl {
background: #fff;
color: #333;
font-family: sans-serif;
margin: 2em auto;
padding: 1em 2em;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid #dfdfdf;
max-width: 700px;
font-size: 14px;
<body onLoad="init();">
<div id="wsl">
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td align="center" height="40px"><br /><br /><?php echo sprintf( _wsl__( "Contacting %s, please wait...", 'wordpress-social-login'), ucfirst( $provider ) ) ?></td>
<td align="center" height="80px" valign="middle"><img src="<?php echo $assets_base_url ?>loading.gif" /></td>

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_reauth()
do_action( "wsl_hook_process_login_before_start" );

$redirect_to = apply_filters("wsl_hook_process_login_alter_redirect_to", wsl_process_login_get_redirect_to() ) ;

$provider = apply_filters("wsl_hook_process_login_alter_provider", wsl_process_login_get_provider() ) ;

// authenticate user via a social network ( $provider )
$user_id , // ..
$adapter , // ..
$hybridauth_user_profile , // ..
$hybridauth_user_id , // ..
$hybridauth_user_email , // ..
$request_user_login , // ..
$request_user_email , // ..
= wsl_process_login_hybridauth_authenticate( $provider, $redirect_to );

// if user found on database
if( $user_id ){
$user_data = get_userdata( $user_id );
$user_login = $user_data->user_login;
$user_email = $hybridauth_user_profile->email;

// otherwise, create new user and associate provider identity
$user_id , // ..
$user_login , // ..
$user_email , // ..
= wsl_process_login_create_wp_user( $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile, $request_user_login, $request_user_email );

// There was a bug when *_create_wp_user returned WP_Error, so just in case
if( ! is_integer( $user_id ) ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Invalid user_id returned by create_wp_user.", 'wordpress-social-login') );

// finally create a wp session for the user
return wsl_process_login_authenticate_wp_user( $user_id, $provider, $redirect_to, $adapter, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_get_redirect_to()
if ( isset( $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ] ) && $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ] != '' ){
$redirect_to = $_REQUEST[ 'redirect_to' ];

// Redirect to https if user wants ssl
if ( isset( $secure_cookie ) && $secure_cookie && false !== strpos( $redirect_to, 'wp-admin') ){
$redirect_to = preg_replace( '|^http://|', 'https://', $redirect_to );

if ( strpos( $redirect_to, 'wp-admin') && ! is_user_logged_in() ){
$redirect_to = get_option( 'wsl_settings_redirect_url' );

if ( strpos( $redirect_to, 'wp-login.php') ){
$redirect_to = get_option( 'wsl_settings_redirect_url' );

if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_redirect_url' ) != site_url() ){
$redirect_to = get_option( 'wsl_settings_redirect_url' );

if( empty( $redirect_to ) ){
$redirect_to = get_option( 'wsl_settings_redirect_url' );

if( empty( $redirect_to ) ){
$redirect_to = site_url();

return $redirect_to;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_get_provider()
// selected provider name
$provider = @ trim( strip_tags( $_REQUEST["provider"] ) );

return $provider;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_hybridauth_authenticate( $provider, $redirect_to )
# Hybrid_Auth already used?
if ( class_exists('Hybrid_Auth', false) ) {
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Error: Another plugin seems to be using HybridAuth Library and made WordPress Social Login unusable. We recommand to find this plugin and to kill it with fire!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

// load hybridauth
require_once WORDPRESS_SOCIAL_LOGIN_ABS_PATH . "/hybridauth/Hybrid/Auth.php";

// build required configuratoin for this provider
if( ! get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_enabled' ) ){
throw new Exception( 'Unknown or disabled provider' );

$config = array();
$config["providers"] = array();
$config["providers"][$provider] = array();
$config["providers"][$provider]["enabled"] = true;

// provider application id ?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_id' ) ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["keys"]["id"] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_id' );

// provider application key ?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_key' ) ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["keys"]["key"] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_key' );

// provider application secret ?
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_secret' ) ){
$config["providers"][$provider]["keys"]["secret"] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_' . $provider . '_app_secret' );

// create an instance for Hybridauth
$hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth( $config );

// try to authenticate the selected $provider
if( $hybridauth->isConnectedWith( $provider ) ){
$adapter = $hybridauth->getAdapter( $provider );

$hybridauth_user_profile = $adapter->getUserProfile();

// check hybridauth user email
$hybridauth_user_id = (int) wsl_get_user_by_meta( $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile->identifier );
$hybridauth_user_email = sanitize_email( $hybridauth_user_profile->email );
$hybridauth_user_login = sanitize_user( $hybridauth_user_profile->displayName );

$request_user_login = "";
$request_user_email = "";

# {{{ linking new accounts
// Bouncer :: Accounts Linking is enabled
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_linking_accounts_enabled' ) == 1 ){
// if user is linking account
// . we DO import contacts
// . we DO store the user profile
// . we DONT create another entry on user table
// . we DONT create nor update his data on usermeata table
if( $_REQUEST[ 'action' ] == "wordpress_social_link" ){
global $current_user;

$user_id = $current_user->ID;

return wsl_process_login_authenticate_wp_user_linked_account( $user_id, $provider, $redirect_to, $adapter, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// check if connected user is linked account
$linked_account = wsl_get_user_linked_account_by_provider_and_identifier( $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile->identifier );

// if linked account found, we connect the actual user
if( $linked_account ){
if( count( $linked_account ) > 1 ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("This $provider is linked to many accounts!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

$user_id = $linked_account[0]->user_id;

if( ! $user_id ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Something wrong!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

return wsl_process_login_authenticate_wp_user( $user_id, $provider, $redirect_to, $adapter, $hybridauth_user_profile );
# }}} linking new accounts

# {{{ module Bouncer
// Bouncer :: Filters by emails domains name
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_domain_enabled' ) == 1 ){
if( empty( $hybridauth_user_email ) ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_domain_text_bounce' ) );

$list = get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_domain_list' );
$list = preg_split( '/$\R?^/m', $list );

$current = strstr( $hybridauth_user_email, '@' );

$shall_pass = false;
foreach( $list as $item ){
if( trim( strtolower( "@$item" ) ) == strtolower( $current ) ){
$shall_pass = true;

if( ! $shall_pass ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_domain_text_bounce' ) );

// Bouncer :: Filters by e-mails addresses
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_email_enabled' ) == 1 ){
if( empty( $hybridauth_user_email ) ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_email_text_bounce' ) );

$list = get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_email_list' );
$list = preg_split( '/$\R?^/m', $list );

$shall_pass = false;
foreach( $list as $item ){
if( trim( strtolower( $item ) ) == strtolower( $hybridauth_user_email ) ){
$shall_pass = true;

if( ! $shall_pass ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_email_text_bounce' ) );

// Bouncer :: Filters by profile urls
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_profile_enabled' ) == 1 ){
$list = get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_profile_list' );
$list = preg_split( '/$\R?^/m', $list );

$shall_pass = false;
foreach( $list as $item ){
if( trim( strtolower( $item ) ) == strtolower( $hybridauth_user_profile->profileURL ) ){
$shall_pass = true;

if( ! $shall_pass ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_restrict_profile_text_bounce' ) );

// if user do not exist
if( ! $hybridauth_user_id ){
// Bouncer :: Accept new registrations
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_registration_enabled' ) == 2 ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("registration is now closed!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

// Bouncer :: Profile Completion
( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_profile_completion_require_email' ) == 1 && empty( $hybridauth_user_email ) ) ||
get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_profile_completion_change_username' ) == 1
list( $shall_pass, $request_user_login, $request_user_email ) = wsl_process_login_complete_registration( $provider, $redirect_to, $hybridauth_user_email, $hybridauth_user_login );
while( ! $shall_pass );
# }}} module Bouncer
throw new Exception( 'User not connected with ' . $provider . '!' );
catch( Exception $e ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( sprintf( _wsl__("Unspecified error. #%d", 'wordpress-social-login'), $e->getCode() ) );

$user_id = null;

// if the user email is verified, then try to map to legacy account if exist
// > Currently only Facebook, Google, Yahaoo and Foursquare do provide the verified user email.
if ( ! empty( $hybridauth_user_profile->emailVerified ) ){
$user_id = (int) email_exists( $hybridauth_user_profile->emailVerified );

// try to get user by meta if not
if( ! $user_id ){
$user_id = (int) wsl_get_user_by_meta( $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile->identifier );

return array(

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_create_wp_user( $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile, $request_user_login, $request_user_email )
// HOOKABLE: any action to fire right before a user created on database
do_action( 'wsl_hook_process_login_before_create_wp_user' );

$user_login = null;
$user_email = null;

// if coming from "complete registration form"
if( $request_user_email && $request_user_login ){
$user_login = $request_user_login;
$user_email = $request_user_email;

# else, validate/generate the login and user email
// generate a valid user login
$user_login = trim( str_replace( ' ', '_', strtolower( $hybridauth_user_profile->displayName ) ) );
$user_email = $hybridauth_user_profile->email;

if( empty( $user_login ) ){
$user_login = trim( $hybridauth_user_profile->lastName . " " . $hybridauth_user_profile->firstName );

if( empty( $user_login ) ){
$user_login = strtolower( $provider ) . "_user_" . md5( $hybridauth_user_profile->identifier );

// user name should be unique
if ( username_exists ( $user_login ) ){
$i = 1;
$user_login_tmp = $user_login;

$user_login_tmp = $user_login . "_" . ($i++);
} while (username_exists ($user_login_tmp));

$user_login = $user_login_tmp;

// generate an email if none
if ( ! isset ( $user_email ) OR ! is_email( $user_email ) ){
$user_email = strtolower( $provider . "_user_" . $user_login ) . "";

// email should be unique
if ( email_exists ( $user_email ) ){
$user_email = md5(uniqid(wp_rand(10000,99000)))."";
} while( email_exists( $user_email ) );

$user_login = sanitize_user ($user_login, true);

if( ! validate_username( $user_login ) ){
$user_login = strtolower( $provider ) . "_user_" . md5( $hybridauth_user_profile->identifier );

$display_name = $hybridauth_user_profile->displayName;

if( $request_user_login || empty ( $display_name ) ){
$display_name = $user_login;

$userdata = array(
'user_login' => $user_login,
'user_email' => $user_email,

'display_name' => $display_name,

'first_name' => $hybridauth_user_profile->firstName,
'last_name' => $hybridauth_user_profile->lastName,
'user_url' => $hybridauth_user_profile->profileURL,
'description' => $hybridauth_user_profile->description,

'user_pass' => wp_generate_password()

// Bouncer :: Membership level
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_membership_default_role' ) != "default" ){
$userdata['role'] = get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_membership_default_role' );

// Bouncer :: User Moderation : None
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) == 1 ){
// well do nothing..

// Bouncer :: User Moderation : Yield to Theme My Login plugin
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) > 100 ){
$userdata['role'] = "pending";

// HOOKABLE: change the user data
$userdata = apply_filters( 'wsl_hook_process_login_alter_userdata', $userdata, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// HOOKABLE: any action to fire right before a user created on database
do_action( 'wsl_hook_process_login_before_insert_user', $userdata, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// HOOKABLE: delegate user insert to a custom function
$user_id = apply_filters( 'wsl_hook_process_login_alter_insert_user', $userdata, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// Create a new user
if( ! $user_id || ! is_integer( $user_id ) ){
$user_id = wp_insert_user( $userdata );

// update user metadata
if( $user_id && is_integer( $user_id ) ){
update_user_meta( $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile->identifier );

// do not continue without user_id or we'll edit god knows what
else {
if( is_wp_error( $user_id ) ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("An error occurred while creating a new user!" . $user_id->get_error_message(), 'wordpress-social-login') );

return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("An error occurred while creating a new user!", 'wordpress-social-login') );

// Send notifications
if ( get_option( 'wsl_settings_users_notification' ) == 1 ){
wsl_admin_notification( $user_id, $provider );

// HOOKABLE: any action to fire right after a user created on database
do_action( 'wsl_hook_process_login_after_create_wp_user', $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

return array(

// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_authenticate_wp_user( $user_id, $provider, $redirect_to, $adapter, $hybridauth_user_profile )
// There was a bug when this function received non-integer user_id and updated random users, let's be safe
if( !is_integer( $user_id ) ){
return wsl_render_notices_pages( _wsl__("Invalid user_id", 'wordpress-social-login') );

// calculate user age
$user_age = $hybridauth_user_profile->age;

// not that precise you say... well welcome to my world
if( ! $user_age && (int) $hybridauth_user_profile->birthYear ){
$user_age = (int) date("Y") - (int) $hybridauth_user_profile->birthYear;

// update some stuff
$newdata['user_id'] = $user_id; //not to be changed
$newdata['user'] = $provider;
$newdata['user_gender'] = $hybridauth_user_profile->gender;
$newdata['user_age'] = $user_age;
$newdata['user_image'] = $hybridauth_user_profile->photoURL;

$newdata = apply_filters( 'wsl_hook_process_login_alter_update_userdata', $newdata, $hybridauth_user_profile, $provider );

update_user_meta ( $user_id, 'wsl_user' , $newdata['user'] );
update_user_meta ( $user_id, 'wsl_user_gender', $newdata['user_gender'] );
update_user_meta ( $user_id, 'wsl_user_age' , $newdata['user_age'] );
update_user_meta ( $user_id, 'wsl_user_image' , $newdata['user_image'] );

// launch contact import if enabled
wsl_import_user_contacts( $provider, $adapter, $user_id );

// store user hybridauth user profile if needed
wsl_store_hybridauth_user_data( $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// Bouncer :: User Moderation : E-mail Confirmation � Yield to Theme My Login plugin
if( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) == 101 ){
$redirect_to = site_url( 'wp-login.php', 'login_post' ) . ( strpos( site_url( 'wp-login.php', 'login_post' ), '?' ) ? '&' : '?' ) . "pending=activation";

@ Theme_My_Login_User_Moderation::new_user_activation_notification( $user_id );

// Bouncer :: User Moderation : Admin Approval � Yield to Theme My Login plugin
elseif( get_option( 'wsl_settings_bouncer_new_users_moderation_level' ) == 102 ){
$redirect_to = site_url( 'wp-login.php', 'login_post' ) . ( strpos( site_url( 'wp-login.php', 'login_post' ), '?' ) ? '&' : '?' ) . "pending=approval";

// otherwise, let him go..
do_action( "wsl_hook_process_login_before_set_auth_cookie", $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

// That's it. create a session for user_id and redirect him to redirect_to
wp_set_auth_cookie( $user_id );


do_action( "wsl_hook_process_login_before_redirect", $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

//wp_safe_redirect( $redirect_to );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------

function wsl_process_login_authenticate_wp_user_linked_account( $user_id, $provider, $redirect_to, $hybridauth_user_profile )
// launch contact import if enabled
wsl_import_user_contacts( $provider, $adapter, $user_id );

// store user hybridauth user profile if needed
wsl_store_hybridauth_user_data( $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

do_action( "wsl_hook_process_login_linked_account_before_redirect", $user_id, $provider, $hybridauth_user_profile );

wp_safe_redirect( $redirect_to );


// --------------------------------------------------------------------