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Experience with wp-united? WordPress

Hi I am looking for someone to integrate my wordpress with PHPBB forum. I did this a few years back and it worked quite well, however I would like someone to do it for me that has done it many times and can walk through the process easily.

Wordpress is installed and PHPBB is installed, I require someone to load the plugin and walk through the installation of the connection between the two. You must have done this before i'd rather not hire someone to learn on the job.

I am offering more than $5 but I don't know how much to offer so please tell me your bid and I'll either create another post offering that amount or we will work something out.

Many thanks

Answers (1)


Lucas Wynne answers:

Honestly, a few years back it was a good idea.

Today I would suggest either switching to BuddyPress or intergrating Vanilla Forums instead.