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Excerpt Length on Widget WordPress


Hello, I have a widget that I am using on this temporary site: to show client testimonials; it can viewed in the top right hand corner. I can't seem to figure out how to control the widget excerpt length.

It would optimal to control it with a set number of characters and put a "Read More" link under it to jump to a certain page where the client testimonials are located.

Any help is appreciated.


Answers (4)


Manoj Raj answers:

We can achieve this in jquery...

Create a new page "Testimonials" with all testimonials in it... I assume the page as "" now

Then add the following jquery to your header

jQuery(".slides_control div").each(function(i){
var link = jQuery(this).attr("id");

jQuery(this).append('<a href="'+link+'">Read more...</a>');

Now the above jquery read more link will lead you to the corresponding testimonial's area...

Kyle Hungate comments:

I put this at the very end of the header.php file and it did not work with the above code. This is what it looked like (attached).