I am having issues identifying a conflict between the Eventon plugin and my theme which corrupts an embedded Google Map.
Expand the event <strong>EAT, SIP, PAINT! @ OASIS BY THE RIVER LEARN TO PAINT, THE FUN WAY!</strong>
The embedded Google Map (See attached) doesn't load correctly nor the zoom icons load correctly.
However, the Google Map displays fine on when I activate the 2012 Theme > http://camdenhaven-wpholiday-com.wpholiday.staging.wpengine.com/events-calendar/
So I can only think it is either a JS or CSS conflict.
I need assistance finding what the conflict is an a method to fix it.
Reigel Gallarde answers:
add this css somewhere...
.evo_metarow_gmap img { max-height: none; }
or this css
.gm-style img { max-height: none; }
parksey18 comments:
Fantastic, thank you.