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Event Calendar Pro & Gravity Forms WordPress


We are trying to create a form in Gravity Forms to submit events to Modern Tribe's Events Calendar Pro plugin.

We're using Gravity Forms everywhere else on the site, so we would prefer to use this to submit events to Events Calendar Pro, rather than Events Calendar Pro's Community events plugin.

However, we're having problems mapping the fields - particularly for Venues and Event recurrences - from the Gravity Form to Event Calendar Pro.

Looking for an expert to share some code that would allow Gravity Form to pass data into Event Calendar Pro to create the correct fields in the custom posts, etc.

Many thanks

Answers (3)


Arnav Joy answers:

Hi ,

I would like to help you for this , I have done something similar here please check

marcusjwilson comments:

Excellent - this is what we require!


Kyle answers:

Hi Marcus;

My entire site [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] is based on a custom made reservation system using Woocommerce, The Events Calendar Pro, and Gravity Forms. If you can message me I am sure I can help you out with what you are looking for.



Bob answers:

If you want to code by yourself then these links might help you.

Or let me know I would like to do it for you.