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Emails showing plugin code WordPress


Hi guys.

I'm using tooltips plugin with code like "[tooltip content="This will show in a tooltip"]Hover over me for tooltip[/tooltip]" which works fine on the blog.

However if you subscribe to get email updates the code isn't executed and it shows up just like that.

I'm using Blog Subscriptions (JetPack)

Is it possible to have emails just send the title of the post plus a link?

Thanks in Advance.

The people on this site have been really helpful so far. : )

Answers (5)


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Hi Steven,

You can create a RSS feed of exactly you want to send and then convert it into a email subscription using FeedBurner:

stevenwilson comments:

This seems to work. I will just confirm that it works after I am done at my dayjob.

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:


This should work. You can custom your RSS channel before joining it to an email subscription.


Romel Apuya answers:

how about using this plugin

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

stevenwilson comments:

That plugin is not a subscription plugin.


Spencer Tomosvary answers:

A link to the page would help.

Sounds like it could be a javascript conflict. I would suggest disabling all plugins except for the blog subscriptions and see if it works by itself. If not, then you may have an issue in your theme.. in that case, test it with the 2011/2012 theme.

If it doesn't work on the 2011/2012 theme, then it would likely be a corruption or server issue.

If in the process it does work, slowly turn things back on until you've isolated which plugin, theme or custom function is conflicting with it.

Then when we know that info, we can find the solution to have your email subscription working and tool tips too.

stevenwilson comments:

It is not a theme issue and it isn't a plugin conflict.

Have you ever had plugin code in a post and also email subscription? As far as I know plugin code would never show up properly in an email. Plugin code would have no reason to show up properly in an email.

And I don't know why you are listing basic trouble shooting steps. It isn't random code in the email, it is the plugin code unexecuted. How could that possibly be related to corruption/ server/ theme.

Spencer Tomosvary comments:

Steve, you didn't give much info to go on from your description it sounds like an issue that would be solved by only basic troubleshooting steps. That is why.


Gabriel Reguly answers:


Sorry, but currently you can only send the whole post.

Source [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]



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