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Email Members - Quote/Advice WordPress

I need to be able to email members according to their membership status and location.
The administrator should be able to email all current and expired members - not a problem with Email Users plugin and Groups plugin.
I also need a number of Local Administrators (who I have set up using User Role Editor) to be able to send emails to members in their particular locations. For example Local Administrator for New York can send emails to all members who have chosen their location as New York (and only have New York option -not other locations).
I set up a registration form for a new member with s2member pro where they have to choose their nearest location using a dropdown. This is how I capture their location.
My question: Is this possible using a combination of plugins or can someone write some code to make this happen? If so I'd like a quote.
I thought I'd be able to set up custom capabilities with Groups plugin but maybe I'd need to tweak s2member to make each of the locations in the dropdown a custom capability but I wouldn't know how - I'm not a programmer. Maybe some php if user's location = x then add them to x group? (there are 11 locations) Then I could add the group to Email User plugin. Only guessing! Help much appreciated.

Answers (1)


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:


I would like to check it, Please check PM.
