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Edit wp-content-slideshow plugin for me WordPress


Hi I am using this plugin on my site:

It is working well so far, I select which 5 posts I want to show in the content slideshow.

You can see how I use it here:

However I would like to have 5 of these slideshows, 1 to show on each of a different page, with up to 5 posts I can select for each slideshow.

As far as I can see it would involve duplicating some of the pages within the plugin for example:



Or is there another way? Can someone help me edit this plugin?


Answers (4)


Utkarsh Kukreti answers:

Would this be fine:

I'll change the checkbox to a textbox where you can specify the name of the slideshow you want this post to appear in.

I'll add an attribute to the contentSlideshow shortcode, so you can call it as [contentSlideshow name="thename"]


Fahad Murtaza answers:

Yes I can help you.

Fahad Murtaza comments:

The best possible solution can be some shortcode like

[contentSlideshow id="XX"]


[contentSlideshow name="YY"]

Let me know if you want me to help you with it.


Jatin Soni answers:

I can help you for this, one question.. is it necessary for you to use only wp-content-slideshow plugin or other script or plugin would be okay to fits your requirement?
I have one option which may be easy to maintain in future for you as well.


Christianto answers:

Hi Ross,

You can try this wp content slideshow plugin file that I have modified..
To call the slideshow use this format:

<?php slideshow_custom($sticky , $posts); ?>

you have to past post id to $sticky and $posts, if multiple post separate with comma..
for example

<?php slideshow_custom('1,2' , '3,4,5,6'); ?>

I've separate the post slide that you want to sticky with the rest of the post slideshow, just to make easier for you to manage the order.

Hope this help,

Christianto comments:

If you need to use it on certain page.php or in single.php, you can create a custom field and pass the value to the function..

So you can have different slideshow for different page/post..

For example inside the loop with custom field name 'slideshow_sticky' for $sticky and 'slideshow_posts' for $posts

if (have_posts()) :
while (have_posts()) : the_post();

$sticky_slideshow = get_post_meta($post->ID,'slideshow_sticky', true);
$slideshow= get_post_meta($post->ID,'slideshow_posts', true);

if($sticky_slideshow != '' && $slideshow != '')
slideshow_custom($sticky_slideshow , $slideshow);
