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Edit woocommerce upsells image size to stop blurriness? WordPress


Hello again

Woocommerce presents its own challenges. I am working within someone elses template and design.

What CSS do I need to edit or add in the woocommerce.css to prevent expansion of the upsell image on a product page? (see screenshot). It's the image below the main product.


Answers (1)


timDesain Nanang answers:

try this:

.woocommerce .upsells.products ul li.product,
.woocommerce .upsells.products ul.products li.product,
.woocommerce-page .upsells.products ul li.product,
.woocommerce-page .upsells.products ul.products li.product{width:25% !important;}

zoomlanski comments:

I can't find .upsells in woocommerce.css - is it somethind I add or is it in a diffferent file?

timDesain Nanang comments:

since the source is in,
you can add those code into theme's style.css

don't change the css's plugins, it will be replaced after updated.

zoomlanski comments:

Disregard. That worked by adding it directly into the file. My mistake.
Thank you!

zoomlanski comments:

Good point. I'll make the theme changes instead.