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Dynamic copywriting site ~ research questions WordPress



I have a few questions to research for an upcoming project; I am only looking for general answers.

<strong>Project;</strong> Building a dynamic copywriting website.

<strong>Overview;</strong> Clients would (pick a package) and upload a .doc and then be directed to PayPal, the administrator would be notified and begin editing.

<strong>Problems;</strong> Need a way to organize uploads (Posts?), charge for minor updates, communicate about an individual task, keep things simple.

<strong>Solution; </strong>I was considering using Wordpress / MS … since I am extremely comfortable with templating.

I am very open to any suggestions including those that do not include WP, any light you can shed on this project would be much appreciated.

Thank you.


Jayson Brown
West Coast Design Co.

t: 250-483-5659
w: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Answers (2)


Ramsey answers:

Sounds like WP would work for your needs. There are a lot of plugins out there that let you charge for membership, uploads, downloads, etc. It really depends on exactly how you want to structure your site, and exactly what you want the clients/customers to be able to do.

Sounds like you'd need at minimal, plugins/themes to allow for memberships and payments and maybe customize your RSS feed and market that so people can stay informed.


Mike Schinkel answers:

@Jayson: I agree with Ramsey, this sounds spot-on for WordPress. Some commercial third party plugins to look at would be:

[[LINK href=""]]Gravity Forms[[/LINK]] - for giving people the ability to upload their docs
[[LINK href=""]]MemberWing[[/LINK]] - for membership site functionality including PayPal

Could provide a lot more info but since you are in the very early stages this can be a good start.