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DropDown WordPress


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I cannot figure out how to limit what drops down in the nav bar.

For example, my at the bottom is a box, Upcoming Events IRL. I dont want this to be in the dropdown menu but only a list of the upcoming events i have coming up.


Answers (5)


Beth Alexander answers:

I recommend upgrading to the latest version of WordPress. Then you can take advantage of the new custom navigation menu feature. The theme you are using supports WP 3.0 menus.

This video gives a good overview of the functionality:


Vidyut Kale answers:

If you edit your header template, you will find a call for wp_list_pages() possibly with some parameters passed.

Try adding 'exclude=121' to it (where 121 is the ID of any page you want to exclude)

Like this

<? php wp_list_pages('exclude=121'); ?>

If there is something already present, append the exclude parameter like this

<? php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&exclude=121'); ?>


Jeremy Jared answers:

You can follow the tutorial I wrote to add a custom navigation menu to WordPress here:
[[LINK href=""]]Create a Horizontal Drop-Down Menu for any WordPress theme[[/LINK]]

If you have any questions, just ask.


Espreson Media answers:

Simple question and the answer is also simple just read the following article :

This will help you sort out unwanted menu item and better menu management.


Rashid Aliyev answers:

Use custom menu plugin wich coming with WP starting from 3.0.1 and build your custom menu.