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Does a plugin exist with this requirements ? WordPress


I need a plugin for bookings.

Description :

The user must be logged.
The user can book a gym class.
The number of places available appears.
If a user books a gym class for 10 personns, the message is something like "now there is 9 places available"

When a user books a class, a mail is send to this user and to the administrator (with the hours of the booking).

24 jours before the class, a reminder email is send to the user.

The user can change or delete his booking. In this case, the administrator and the user receive a new email with the new data.

Does a plugin exist with this requirements ?

Answers (2)


Kyle answers:


The closest and most reliable I know of would be The Events Calendar with the Event Tickets add-on

I'm not sure if it has the auto email reminder, but it is well documented so I'm sure something could be written for that.

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

this add-on shows the number of places available, that's it ?
With an auto email reminder that will be perfect.

With event calendar there is one post for one event... not sure that's cool. Is it not possible to have just a table with events ? no post.

Kyle comments:

There are quite a few views they offer:
Single, Map, Week, List, Month

The screenshots in the repository might help more:

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

Ok, but when you want to book an event, you open a post each time, no ? It's strange to book just a gym class.
It's not possible to book a gym class (for example) just toclick on the cell of the table ?

Kyle comments:

Hmm I think you are right. I do not think it can do that.

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

It's a shame because the calendar presentation is exactly what I'm looking for.

Not sure I can display a calendar with woocommerce-bookings, for example

Kyle comments:

I've worked a great deal with The Events Calendar over the past 5 years, I could surely write something to do what you are describing, but I'm not sure how much customization you were looking to do.


mod mi answers:

An ecommerce plugin with a more specific extension would be the best solution for the requirements you describe. I suggest woocommerce and the bookings extension: that have all sorts of functions you require including bookings reminders, notifications, limitation on number of bookings and etc.

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

Tha,ks ! Yes,I thinked at this plugin. But are you sure there is reminder email ? And it's possible to change/delete a booking ? And the places avalaible is displayed ?

mod mi comments:

For the reminder email please check this:

For change/delete booking i'm not sure but there is the basic functionality of "cancel order type".
Places available is a basic functionality of woocommerce just like with the show availability option for simple products ex. 6 in stock.

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

And do you know if the administrator receive an email when a booking is validated or deleted ?

mod mi comments:

By "validated" and "deleted" I'm guessing you mean if the user purchases or cancels a subscription? If that's the case yes that's basic functionality of woocommerce , the administrator get notified whenever an order is placed or canceled so same goes with subscriptions