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Display Author Link (URL Only, Without Authors Name) WordPress


Inside an 'About The Author' within the loop on single.php, I want to have a link like the following:

<a href="%AUTHOR-LINK-HERE%">View All Posts From This Author</a>

Basically a modified version of this WP function:

<?php the_author_posts_link(); ?>

But without having wordpress printing the 'href' and 'author name'. I only want it to return the URL of the author WHILE using the users default permalink structure defined in their WP settings.


Answers (4)


Monster Coder answers:

You can use:

Rather than printing, it will return you the LINK! So you will be able to use it as you like :).

Aaron comments:

This displays the authors website url. I meant for it to output the url to the authors post page.

Monster Coder comments:


then you will need

seems MagoryNET written well for that :)!

Monster Coder comments:

Inside the loops you can simply use it:

that's it

Aaron comments:


Used inside of the loop, this makes the link to the current post (just tested).

Monster Coder comments:

is it? I have given you after testing. I got link like:
when I copied I got posts of this users!

i have used it inside a function this way:
function func_name(){
global $post;
echo get_author_posts_url($post->post_author);

Aaron comments:

function func_name() {
global $post;
echo get_author_posts_url($post->post_author);

This works, thanks!


Cosmin Popovici answers:

<?php the_author_url(); ?>


<?php the_author_link(); ?>


Ok, so MagoryNET got it right, with one small mod (you got a concatenation issue there mate :) ):

global $user_ID;

$user_info = get_userdata($user_ID);

$current_link = get_author_posts_url($user_id,$user_info->display_name);

<a href="<?php echo $current_link ?>">by username</a>

This generates <a href="">by username</a>

Was that what you were after?

Aaron comments:

This displays the authors website url. I meant for it to output the url to the authors post page.


MagoryNET answers:

Add something like this:

global $user_ID;
$user_info = get_userdata($user_ID);
$current_link = get_author_posts_url($user_id,$user_info->user_nicename);
echo '<a href="'.$current_link.'">View All Posts From This Author</a>;

PS. Corrected. It's basicly a version of the_author_posts_link modified to change the text in the link.

Aaron comments:

This displays the authors name, which I said I do NOT want...

MagoryNET comments:

It does not.

Aaron comments:

All this does is add the 'Display Name' of the author to the URL, which takes me to a 404 page, because it does not check to see what my permalink structure is.

MagoryNET comments:

I had a small error, I corrected know. There should be nicename not display_name in the get_author_posts_url.

Aaron comments:

This seems so close. The only issue I am having with this now, is that if I change my permalinks to the wordpress default, it is actually assigning an author id of '0' instead of my actual id which is '1'. Any ideas?

This is the code I am using:

function view_author_posts() {
global $user_ID;
$user_info = get_userdata($user_ID);
$current_link = get_author_posts_url($user_id,$user_info->user_nicename);
echo $current_link;

<a href="<?php view_author_posts(); ?>">View All Posts From This Author</a>

MagoryNET comments:

Yeah, another mistake. user_ID is logged in user, not the author. Try this:

function view_author_posts() {

global $authordata;
$current_link = get_author_posts_url($user_id,authordata->user_nicename);
echo $current_link;


MagoryNET comments:

I responded too fast. Another little fix:

function view_author_posts() {

global $authordata;

$current_link = get_author_posts_url($authordata->ID,authordata->user_nicename);

echo $current_link;



Nilesh shiragave answers:

Yes MagoryNET right solution

Aaron comments:

<blockquote> - "Displays the link, where the default link text value is the user's <strong>Display name publicly as field</strong>."</blockquote>

This function has no parameters. And therefore does not do what I am asking, because it outputs the entire a/link tag and anchor text, which I said above that I do NOT want.
