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Disable Automatic Emails from Sensei Content Drip Plugin WordPress



I'm using a plugin called Sensei Content Drip. It releases access to a lesson page on a day that I set. Its working correctly.

It also sends an email to the learners to let them know that the lesson has "dripped." I want to completely disable this automatic email. There is no option to do this so it must be disabled via code. I can provide you with the plugin files and I would like you to tell me what to comment out (or change). I cannot provide you with access to the site itself.

Answers (3)


Rempty answers:

In the file includes/class-scd-drip-email.php
comment line 398
//$woothemes_sensei->emails->send( $user_email, $email_subject, $formatted_email_html );

Liz comments:

This sounds promising! I guess there's no way to test it though? Is there any way to add it in a way that it won't get overwritten with plugin updates?

Thank you!

Rempty comments:

Without editing the files you can add to your functions.php



dimadin answers:

Without editing any file, just drop this custom code where you place stuff like this:

function md_disable_sensei_content_drip_email() {
if ( function_exists( 'Sensei_Content_Drip' ) ) {
$instance = Sensei_Content_Drip();

remove_action ( 'woo_scd_daily_cron_hook' , array( $instance->drip_email, 'daily_drip_lesson_email_run' ) );
add_action( 'init', 'md_disable_sensei_content_drip_email', 99 );


Arnav Joy answers:

Hi ,

Are you still looking for help ?


Liz comments:

I'm waiting to get results first! Should happen soon.