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Digital marketplace on WordPress WordPress


Hi all,

I'll get straight to the meat of it..

I want to build a digital marketplace for premium WP themes (think a basic version of woothemes, themeforest, etc.) so developers can register, edit their profiles, submit a theme for sale.. my job is to approve the themes as they come in.. how would I go about doing all of this on WordPress?

I was thinking people could register (author) and make a post to submit theme which would need to be approved by me (admin) so be published to the site.. but I don't want people to see they're clearly logging into a wordpress site and using the dashboard..

I've Google'd for a couple of weeks and have come across tens of different ways to set this up with the WP architecture.. I'm hoping you can link me to scripts, plugins and the sort.. I'm not afraid to get my hand dirty with some code - I'm just looking for a smooth way to set this all up with WordPress..

Can somebody register to my wordpress powered site and be a user without having to use the dashboard?

Throw me your input!


Answers (2)


Joe Jenkins answers:

Gravity Forms would be a good place to start (

Using the 'User Registration' add-on, you create your own sign up page (just as I have done at

You can also use a form to automatically create a post, and select to have this placed up for review before going live.

There is also much more to Gravity Forms that you would be able to use for this project, but I would advise going along there and checking out their documentation.

Paul Winslow comments:

This is looking very interesting. Some of the features sound like exactly what I'm looking for - user submitted data, pricing fields and even developer add-ons for integration with PayPal.

Thank you very much for your answer :)

Joe Jenkins comments:

You'll find that Gravity Forms is one of those plugins where you keep discovering new things. There is also a free plugin which gives it control over your custom post types.

Paul Winslow comments:

I assume I can have that control with the paid versions, also?


Denzel Chia answers:


A digital marketplace needs to have a way to store uploaded themes and sell them securely online.
So what you need is a good store plugin to sell digital downloads,
A plugin such as this [[LINK href=""]]WordPress eStore Plugin[[/LINK]]

You can ask the developer of that eStore plugin to recommend you a good developer to do a plugin add on, so that you can allow members to upload and sell their themes. You can always email them your requirements before purchasing the plugin. See if they are able to meet your requirements, as well as get a good quotation for additional work.

A good form plugin like Gravity Forms is still a form plugin, it does not have the functionality of a eStore plugin. It does not store your uploaded theme zip files and sell them securely. By securely I meant download limits and one time only download link and secured download link that is created using a salt string. If your download link is not secured, but a direct download link, your buyer can share the direct download link.

If I am not mistaken, Gravity forms does not provide secure download links for file uploads.
