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Default 1 column width in write post WordPress


I have a multi author site, but when a new user is added, there write post page is set to default.

With the drag and drop UI in wordpress, you can reposition these, however, I would like these positioned as default.

I am trying to make the 'write post' in the backend - 1 column (it's currently 2) as default.

It would then be a case of re-ordering the meta box layout (i.e make sure the publish meta box is at the bottom).

I am using custom post types (woo_estate).

Order I am trying to create (in one column width) as default:

content editor
metabox (property type)
metabox (location)
metabox featured Image
metabox (estate custom settings)
metabox (additional features)
metabox (estate custom maps)

Is is possible to create this as default?

Answers (3)


AdamGold answers:

Done. (check your email)


Anna-marie Redpath answers:

There is a small plugin that lets you set that up for your users and more - all the screen options and other preferences settings can be set for a 'template' user for a role - can then set it for all users of that role and/or any new users will get those settings as a default.


plugin price $5


Just Me answers:

This one seems suitable too, and free