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Debug paypal plugin WordPress


I am using "Donation Can" plugin which can be [[LINK href=""]]found here [[/LINK]] at the wordpress plugins page. At first the plugin worked fine on 2 sites, both hosted on rackspace cloud. Got a call from a client yesterday that his donation page was not showing up. Here it is, [[LINK href=""]]go to page[[/LINK]].
Below is the error I am getting
[23-Nov-2010 16:09:30] PHP Warning: require(/mnt/stor1-wc1-dfw1/375489/505207/ [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /mnt/stor1-wc1-dfw1/375489/505207/ on line 74
[23-Nov-2010 16:09:30] PHP Fatal error: require() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required '/mnt/stor1-wc1-dfw1/375489/505207/' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /mnt/stor1-wc1-dfw1/375489/505207/ on line 74

I do not mind editing the plugin, and not updating it.

Answers (3)


idt answers:

This line


Seems like the file location is not right.

idt comments:

You can find the issue here:

It is alson on line 61 of donation-can/donation-can/model/widgets/donation_progress_widget.php. You can fix it by changing line 61 to require(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/donation-can/view/progress_bar.php");

Rick Bible comments:

sorry about late reply, this did not work,

idt comments:

The one above should be done on line 61 of /donation-can/model/widgets/donation_progress_widget.php

For the /donation-can/model/widgets/donation_widget.php replace require(__FILE__ . "/../../../view/donation_form_single.php"); with this
require(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/donation-can/view/donation_form_single.php");


enodekciw answers:

It looks like, that someone has edited donation_widget.php file.
Open it up, and show me what you see @ line 74.
You should see line like this:
require(__FILE__ . "/../../../view/donation_form_single.php");


Jermaine Oppong answers:

Go to the <strong>donation_widget.php</strong> at /wp-content/plugins/donation-can/model/widgets/donation_widget.php</strong> and change line 74 to

require(WP_PLUGIN_URL . "/donation-can/view/donation_form_single.php");

Ive updated this so forget the one below.

Jermaine Oppong comments:

The <strong>donation_form_single.php</strong> was not linked to properly so the code Ive given should work.

Jermaine Oppong comments:

Sorry rather do this

require(WP_PLUGIN_URL . "/donation-can/view/donation_form_single.php");

assuming donation-can is the name of the plugin folder

Rick Bible comments:

Still does not work, here is the error now,
[23-Nov-2010 19:30:21] PHP Warning: require() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /mnt/stor1-wc1-dfw1/375489/505207/ on line 74
[23-Nov-2010 19:30:21] PHP Warning: require( [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /mnt/stor1-wc1-dfw1/375489/505207/ on line 74
[23-Nov-2010 19:30:21] PHP Fatal error: require() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required '' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /mnt/stor1-wc1-dfw1/375489/505207/ on line 74