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Dave's WordPress Live Search make show results just products name WordPress


I whant to make the Dave's WordPress Live Search to show results just from Woocommerce product name not from description or other info.

Because i have name like "ipod" in all descriptions and when a visitor whana search for ipod the search give wrong results.
This is the result code:

* Value object class
class DavesWordPressLiveSearchResults {

// Search sources

public $searchTerms;
public $results;
public $displayPostMeta;

* Constructor
* @param string $searchTerms
* @param boolean $displayPostMeta Show author & date for each post. Defaults to TRUE to keep original bahavior from before I added this flag
function DavesWordPressLiveSearchResults( $searchTerms, $displayPostMeta = true ) {

$this->results = array();
$this->populate( $searchTerms, $displayPostMeta );
$this->displayPostMeta = $displayPostMeta;


* Run the query and build an array of results
* @global type $wp_locale
* @global type $wp_query
* @param type $wpQueryResults
* @param type $displayPostMeta
private function populate( $wpQueryResults, $displayPostMeta ) {

global $wp_locale;
global $wp_query;
global $post;

$dateFormat = get_option( 'date_format' );

// Get the search terms to include in the AJAX response
$this->searchTerms = $_GET['s'];

$wpQueryResults = $wp_query->get_posts();
$wpQueryResults = apply_filters( 'dwls_alter_results', $wpQueryResults, -1, $this );

while ( $wp_query->have_posts() ) {

// Add author names & permalinks
if ( $displayPostMeta ) {
$authorName = get_the_author_meta( 'user_nicename', $post->post_author );
$authorName = apply_filters( 'dwls_author_name', $authorName );
$post->post_author_nicename = $authorName;

$post->permalink = get_permalink( $post->ID );

if ( function_exists( 'get_post_thumbnail_id' ) ) {
// Support for WP 2.9 post thumbnails
$postImageID = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID );
$postImageData = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $postImageID, apply_filters( 'post_image_size', 'thumbnail' ) );
$hasThumbnailSet = ( $postImageData !== false );
else {
// No support for post thumbnails
$hasThumbnailSet = false;

if ( $hasThumbnailSet ) {
$post->attachment_thumbnail = $postImageData[0];
} else {
// If no post thumbnail, grab the first image from the post
$applyContentFilter = get_option( 'daves-wordpress-live-search_apply_content_filter', false );
$content = $post->post_content;
if ( $applyContentFilter ) {
$content = apply_filters( 'the_content', $content );
$content = str_replace( ']]>', ']]&gt;', $content );
$post->attachment_thumbnail = $this->firstImg( $content );

$post->attachment_thumbnail = apply_filters( 'dwls_attachment_thumbnail', $post->attachment_thumbnail );

$post->post_excerpt = $this->excerpt( $post );

$post->post_date = date_i18n( $dateFormat, strtotime( $post->post_date ) );
$post->post_date = apply_filters( 'dwls_post_date', $post->post_date );

// We don't want to send all this content to the browser
unset( $post->post_content );

// xLocalization
$post->post_title = apply_filters( "localization", $post->post_title );

$post->post_title = apply_filters( 'dwls_post_title', $post->post_title );

$post->show_more = true;

$this->results[] = $post;


private function excerpt( $result ) {

static $excerptLength = null;
// Only grab this value once
if ( null == $excerptLength ) {
$excerptLength = intval( get_option( 'daves-wordpress-live-search_excerpt_length' ) );
// Default value
if ( 0 == $excerptLength ) {
$excerptLength = 100;

if ( empty( $result->post_excerpt ) ) {
$content = apply_filters( "localization", $result->post_content );
$excerpt = explode( " ", strrev( substr( strip_tags( $content ), 0, $excerptLength ) ), 2 );
$excerpt = strrev( isset($excerpt[1]) ? $excerpt[1] : '' );
$excerpt .= " [...]";
} else {
$excerpt = apply_filters( "localization", $result->post_excerpt );

$excerpt = apply_filters( 'the_excerpt', $excerpt );
$excerpt = apply_filters( 'dwls_the_excerpt', $excerpt );

return $excerpt;

public function firstImg( $post_content ) {
$matches = array();
$output = preg_match_all( '/<img.+src=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"].*>/i', $post_content, $matches );
if ( isset( $matches[1][0] ) ) {
$first_img = $matches[1][0];

if ( empty( $first_img ) ) {
return '';
return $first_img;

public function ajaxSearch() {
global $wp_query;

// This needs to be registered here so it's only invoked when processing a DWLS AJAX request
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', array( "DavesWordPressLiveSearchResults", "pre_get_posts" ) );

$cacheLifetime = intval( get_option( 'daves-wordpress-live-search_cache_lifetime' ) );
if ( !is_user_logged_in() && 0 < $cacheLifetime ) {
$doCache = TRUE;
} else {
$doCache = FALSE;

if ( $doCache ) {
$cachedResults = DWLSTransients::get( $_REQUEST['s'] );

if ( ( !$doCache ) || ( FALSE === $cachedResults ) ) {

$displayPostMeta = (bool) get_option( 'daves-wordpress-live-search_display_post_meta' );

$results = new DavesWordPressLiveSearchResults( $_GET['s'], $displayPostMeta );

if ( $doCache ) {
DWLSTransients::set( $_REQUEST['s'], $results, $cacheLifetime );

} else {

// Found it in the cache. Return the results.
$results = $cachedResults;



public static function pre_get_posts( $query ) {

// These fields don't seem to be getting set right during an AJAX call
$query->parse_query( http_build_query( $_GET ) );

if ( array_key_exists( 'search_source', $_REQUEST ) ) {
$searchSource = $_GET['search_source'];
} else {
$searchSource = intval( get_option( 'daves-wordpress-live-search_source' ) );

$maxResults = intval( get_option( 'daves-wordpress-live-search_max_results' ) );
if ( $maxResults === 0 ) {
$maxResults = -1;

if ( function_exists( 'relevanssi_do_query' ) ) {
// Relevanssi isn't treating 0 as "unlimited" results
// like WordPress's native search does. So we'll replace
// $maxResults with a really big number, the biggest one
// PHP knows how to represent, if $maxResults == -1
// (unlimited)
if ( -1 == $maxResults ) {
$maxResults = PHP_INT_MAX;

$query->set( 'posts_per_page', $maxResults );

// Override post_type if none provided
if ( !isset( $_GET['post_type'] ) ) {
if ( self::SEARCH_WPCOMMERCE === $searchSource ) {
$query->set( 'post_type', 'wpsc-product' );

// Set up the AJAX hooks
add_action( "wp_ajax_dwls_search", array( "DavesWordPressLiveSearchResults", "ajaxSearch" ) );
add_action( "wp_ajax_nopriv_dwls_search", array( "DavesWordPressLiveSearchResults", "ajaxSearch" ) );

Answers (1)


Eric P. answers:

First, having "iPod" on every product page, in the description text, even if the product is not for an iPod will look spammy to search engines. That's a really bad idea from an SEO standpoint.

Second, I don't see a question here. I see "I want to make it show results..." and I see "Here is the code:" OK. So you've solved the problem. Is there a question?

Balanean Corneliu comments:

I think is my english

Fom all info i colect the problem can be solve to a little change to this .php file. But im not so good to make this modify.

I sell just one product but for various models this is the reason because i have the same description.

Then i need the search to show me just the result from title (name) of products from Woocommerce

The question how i can do this?

website is :

Eric P. comments:

I just checked your site and it seems to be working correctly to me. I went to [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

When I type "ipod" in the search bar, it shows a lot of products, for all the ipods. If I continue typing "nano", it narrows down to just two products for ipod nano models.

If all your products fit iPods, then you'd want to show everything in a search for "iPod", right?

There is a problem when searching for terms that start with a number. "5G" didn't pick up anything, for exmple. I'm not sure what the problem is there, but that seems to be a separate issue.

Balanean Corneliu comments:

Problem solved i setup the woocommerce predictive search
Ty for help Eric.