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Customizing the Sansation Theme for Site! WordPress


I needed an expert to customize the Sansation theme or better yet the eStore theme for my website. I have a gift basket business and I wanted someone to basically put a few pages in and pictures and dummy text so that I'll be able to add on to it and remove and replace with my content.

This is a link to which one I'm speaking of:


Answers (3)


Rashad Aliyev answers:

I'm ready to help you for customize. My price: 100 USD.

jaythan sparks comments:

How much would it cost??? Are you ready now? I would really appreciate it you could give me quick responses.... Thanks!

Rashad Aliyev comments:

Hi Jaytan, Yes I'm available now. My skype: teknodizayn


tim johnson answers:

all depends on what you are looking for in terms of customizing this theme. I have worked alot w/ Elegant Themes. See my post under timola in support. Elegant themes tend to be very stylized to begin w/. if you are just looking to swap out images and not messing w/ the main layout or function then it can go pretty smoothly.

My site for reference:

jaythan sparks comments:

That's what I need... Just to remove and replace and everything connected to my paypal or show me where to connect it. But, yes that is what I'm looking for.....


idt answers:

I'm also willing to help. Just message me in case. Thanks.