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Customising POST PAGE on existing theme needed!! WordPress


Hello experts!

I am a photographer interested in the below theme:
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

When you click to view a post, I would like to display pictures like the links do below:

<strong>Initial</strong> - [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]
<strong>Enlarged</strong> - [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

I like the way the images are displayed using the "full width" of the page once enlarged. All remaining items on the side bar could go under the image above the comment box.

This request is only for customising a single post page.

I initially asked the creator, who has in turn asked me to look here as he is busy.

Many thanks

Answers (1)


Dan | gteh answers:


Just so I understand, you want the 'enlarge' view of the page to be the default view when looking at a single post view? with the sidebar items moved below?

I can do that for you for $24. Would just need a copy of the theme or access to your server

Amir Shah comments:


Thanks for stopping by. I would like an "Enlarge" option to be added to the initial post view. Making the image in the post view clickable to enlarge then vice versa.

Does that make sense?
