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Customise woocoomerce review WordPress


Hi I want to customise the woocommerce user review submission so that instead of just an overall rating it includes the following:

Your nickname (instead of name for privacy)

Are you DIY or Trade? (radio box for trade or diy)
Location? (single line input)

overall rating: (user select from normal 1-5 stars)
value: (user select from normal 1-5 stars)
features: (user select from normal 1-5 stars)
performance: (user select from normal 1-5 stars)
reliability: (user select from normal 1-5 stars)

I would recommend this product: (user select yes/no)

Review Title (single line user input)

Write a review (multiline user input)

Share your photos ( browse button to enable user to upload photo)

Video Review (video url input and video caption single line input)

Would you recommend us to a friend? (radio boxes 1-10)

Please tell us why? (multiline input)

I know that woocommerce review uses an adapted version of wordpress comments I'm just not sure how to change the form so that it looks like the above and then display that information on the front end?

Answers (4)


Sabby Sam answers:

You can use this plugin to implement (
Once you install then you may easily add with arbitrary content, which may contain text, html or shortcodes.

hope this will help you.

willcm comments:

The problem is I have customised the single-product page and removed the tabs...

see here:
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

so i really need something custom...

Sabby Sam comments:

I saw you have removed the tabs, But I again I will suggest you to install something new plugin ( such as tabs plugin ) and the create your fields whatever you want. The plugin which I gave you lets add you tabs ( n number of tabs) inside you can edit the code,add html )
When I want to implement in my theme using shortcode then I usually use this below code
<?php echo do_shortcode('[tabs slidertype="top tabs" fx="fade"]
[tab]Content goes here[/tab]
[tab]Content goes here[/tab]
[tab]Content goes here[/tab]


willcm comments:

No it needs to be more customised that this - I don't want it in the product tabs


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:


Review section is in plugins template folder single-product-reviews.php. I think you can customize this page for adding new elements. And can save in formations into comment meta.

willcm comments:

I'm not sure how you do this?

Hariprasad Vijayan comments:

Would you like to use custom code for this?

Hariprasad Vijayan comments:

I mean need to edit plugin files for adding these extra fields.

willcm comments:

Hi yes, essentially I need to know what code to put in the function.php file to output the fields above as well as well as save and output the content meta

Hariprasad Vijayan comments:

I don't know exactly how can we do it with function.php. But i hope we can do it by editing plugin files.


Arnav Joy answers:

can you show the page where review is?

willcm comments:

yes an example is here: (its on every product page)


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi willcm,

You are looking for custom code and I can do it for it, but you will need to raise the prize.

Please see the suggested prize.


willcm comments:

OK, resolved this myself, for anyone else wanting do do this with woocommerce reviews do the following:

upload the following code to "yourthemethemefolder"/woocommerce/single-product-reviews.php

all the code and jquery needed is included above - this also changes the display of the ratings from 1-5, to stars, you should have the relevant css already included within your themes css, if not you can easily style yourself - or use my site above as the starting point.