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Custom walker to generate menu, integrated breadcrumb dropdowns WordPress

Hi there,

Have been trying to write a custom walker class which returns a wp_custom_menu as illustrated in the attached image.

All selections made inside a dropdown will create a trail after the top level item reflecting these selections. This would result in a navigation displaying first / second / third where each trail item would have its own child menu.

I hope that makes sense.

The page at [[LINK href=""]]here[[/LINK]] displays a good example of the planned end result, but would also need to get it to work without scripting.

Could not find any leads nor howtos, some ideas would be fabulous!

Many thanks,


Answers (1)


AdamGold answers:

Maybe the following link will help you.

floris comments:

Hi Adam, thanks for the message.

Although this looks like what I need exactly, I'm not sure it could be integrated into a custom walker and displayed after whichever top level menu item is active. I would also have to strip off the first item generated by the plugin.

Additionally, it seems that XT prints the actual hierarchy of pages and categories, not necessarily the hierarchy defined by the custom menu. Argh...

Thanks for the link though, it's definitely worth exploring!


AdamGold comments:

Well I can make it to get the pages from the custom menu. If you are interested and can't find an answer with a custom walker, let me know.


floris comments:

Are you suggesting to replace the custom menu walker completely, or a hybrid version combining the two?


A custom walker outputs the initial menu dropdowns, checks if a top level is a current-menu-ancestor and adds the [Second / Third] selections directly after the active top level using vista-like breadcrumbs and XT.


The custom walker is not used at all and all menu dropdowns and breadcrumbs are generated using vista-like breadcrumbs and XT only.

Would the second option work?

In essence I think a single custom walker without any plugin use seems a lot cleaner but if you think this is possible, then yes I'm very interested.

Another image attached, please let me know.
