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Custom permalink structure (%tax%/%posttype%/%postname%) WordPress

<strong>Custom Post Types</strong>

<strong>Custom Taxonomies</strong>

The site runs on issues. So I need all custom post types (apart from posts) to have the following permalink structure:

Eg. issue24/fashion/men/mypost

I started using this plugin (Taxonomic SEO Permalink) which works great and means you can use your custom taxonomies in your permalink structure, but this doesn't allow me to mix taxonomies with posttype in the permalink.

The other issue I have, is once this permalink structure has been solved, is organising my template redirection route.

Any advice would be great and I need this solution asap.

Answers (2)


Tony Gilbert answers:

You need to be aware that using this kind of permalink structure can slow your site down if you have a lot of posts or traffic. You'll need to add a cache plugin to address this.

You can use /%category%/ or /%tag%/ in your permalink structure to include taxonomies, but not both.

Tom Downing comments:

Thanks for your answer. I'm aware that this structure can be slow, im trying to find the best structure.

I don't have category & tags within my permalink structure, I have category & post type. What permalink structure would you recommend for a magazine (issue release) style setup then?

An issue is released every month, which contains the same set of post types each time:


Tony Gilbert comments:

I've not tried to go in that direction myself, but I believe you could use something like /%issue%/%Section%/%post%/ but you may need extra code to pick up your unique taxonomies - maybe as simple as finding the category/tag code and renaming it. Back up your code first though. It's not that far off what I originally suggested. But I will printout I am a code hacker, not a programmer. I do customize my wp code, but it's often trial and error to get to where I need it to be. Hope this is of some help as not much response otherwise.


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

read this
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]
and this :
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]