I am trying to build up a custom wordpress theme. I have started from scratch and followed some video tutorials. I got to the point now where I want to make a custom menu using superfish (mostly because it was the easier to change thing I could find for a horizontal menu with horizontal dropdowns.
I have the superfish menu working in html. My problem is making wordpress output its menu structure exactly like the superfish horizontal nav. ( http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/#sample4 )
The css is already working and setup for the menu, so i would like to keep the names, or if the dev answering can be very explicit as to where in both css and html I change the names that would be okay. The layout wordpress needs to output is like this html file: http://smart-art.org/cadop/menulayout.html
The reason I want to make wordpress conform to superfish is that I can find much more help for editing and styling the superfish menu than I can for a custom wordpress menu using superfish.
If the code is correct, the superfish example 4 (horizontal nav) should be working on a wordpress site from the menu created under "Menus" in the admin bar.
I look forward to your help!