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Custom Shortcode for User Read/Unread page/post button WordPress


<strong>The Details:</strong>

The [post_read] shortcode will store user data on whether or not a user has read the post/page based on there selection.
The user will click a button once they have read or unread the page/post this data will save in the DB. All users are logged in.

Things that need to happen Behind the scenes:
The database will store the users selection 0-unread 1-read or similar depending on users selection for that post id

How it would look On the Frontend to the user:
Click here if you have have finished reading the page (button/input)
(This is the original state)

Congratulations on reading the page! If you would like to mark the page back to unread click here (button/input)
(user will see this after they clicked the button. Unless they click the unread button, then it will go back to the original state above)

How I would like to implement it on the post/page is by posting a shortcode.
shortcode ex: [post_read]

Additionally I need to retrieve data back from the database. I need a sum of all the individual user read pages in a value. So if the user has marked 35 pages as read the shortcode will display: 35

shortcode ex: [post_read_value]

And I need to extract the sum of just the users read pages under a parent page. So if the user has read 35 post in total but 10 of them were under the parent page with ID=3254 the shortcode would display 10.

shortcode ex: [post_read_value id='3254']

Thank you!!!

Answers (1)


enodekciw answers:

25$ for that?
You're joking, right?

platinum comments:

So I'm taking it that this isn't a 10 minute gig to a ninja? Honestly I figured if you're an expert it would take between 10-20 minutes depending on your skillset.
That's between 150-75/hr.

What do you feel would be a more appropriate compensation to complete the task? Because it's not a lot of lines of code per se it's just more cognitively demanding.

How long do you expect something like this to take? I have no problem adjusting the fee if necessary.


enodekciw comments:

No, thats definately not a 10min gig ;)

It's pretty custom stuff, you got here. I don't think that anyone will write a custom plugin (ok, let's call it 'shortcode') just for 25$, then it requires even db tweaks. Yeah, it's kinda small, but, as I've said.. it's custom. Also, you require a lot of funcionality.

If you're gonna raise the award money, I can get you ajax-based plugin for this. (Almost have it done, but it's 4AM, so..)

platinum comments:

Cool, fair enough bumped it up another 50 bucks to $75.

Hopefully that's a more reasonable fee for the work.

Best Wishes.

enodekciw comments:

Ok, just completed that plugin.
Gonna do some debuggin + code cleaning and post it here ;)

enodekciw comments:

Ok, so I'm attaching plugin to this post.

Download it. Install it. Activate it.

Use [read_button] shortcode to display READ/UNREAD button.
Use [read_count] shortcode to display current logged in user read pages/posts count.
Use [read_count username="name"] shortcode to display some exact user read pages/posts count.
Use [read_count parent="page-id"] shortcode to display read children pages count for current logged in user.
Use [read_count username="name" parent="page-id"] shortcode to display read children pages count for some exact user.

Also, you can style that button editing dekciw-ru-style.css ;)
Button text can be changed @ lines 69 and 71 in dekciw-ru-plugin.php (also you have to change them accordingly @ lines 19 and 22 in dekciw-ru-db-script.php).

Btw, jQuery should be also loaded.

Your plugin is [[LINK href=""]]here[[/LINK]].