I need someone to do some edits to my site-I give up! I need rewriting a top category navigation at liveinautumnoaks.com: I need instead to be a page(http://liveinautumnoaks.com/communityinfo/), a blog category(education center-Leave as is but with the sidebar deleted), another blog category(internet specials-leave as is but with sidebar deleted), then another page(http://liveinautumnoaks.com/other-new-homes/). I also have the next gen gallery installed and operating static but need the slideshow installed correctly. Need done ASAP.
Buzu B answers:
Are you just offering 10 Dollars or is that just a "place holder" and you are able/willing to pay more for the job? I can do it overnight tonight and have it ready by tomorrow morning, but $10 seems too cheap for me.
If you are interested, please contact me directly via private message. If I remember well, we have worked together before. If you still have my email address you can contact me directly.
Pippin Williamson answers:
I seriously doubt anyone here will help you with all of that for $10. I would be more than happy to help you if the amount was upped to a more reasonable amount of about $30-$40.
Email me at [email protected] if you'd like my assistance. You will need to provide a user name and password so that I can log in, if you'd like me to.
Brooke Taylor comments:
It was not something I could come up with a price for. I would be willing to pay you $30 if I can change it somehow.
Pippin Williamson comments:
I know that you can change it, though I'm not sure. I'd also be fine helping you for the $10 as long as you agreed to send the rest via paypal as well.