Hi all,
Until now i have used Adminimize or myEASYhider to hide dashboard elements.
I am wondering if it is possible to add a custom Admin/Dasboard CSS file directed from my functions.php so that i can give display: none;
to dashboard elements.
Or is their a way I can include CSS Display None elements into my existing functions.php file?
If i can do this, it would save me having to use plugins and save me a lot of time on each build!
I hope I have been clear enough?
Christianto answers:
Create admin.css on your theme directory
You can style whatever element from there..
put this on your functions.php
function custom_admin_style(){
wp_register_style('admin_style', get_template_directory_uri().'/admin.css');
add_action('admin_init', 'custom_admin_style');
Joe Jenkins answers:
I use this plugin, as it not only allows you to hide any element, but it also gives you the ability to create your own.
[[LINK href="http://codecanyon.net/item/white-label-branding-for-wordpress/125617"]]http://codecanyon.net/item/white-label-branding-for-wordpress/125617[[/LINK]]
Pali Madra answers:
Hello Justin,
I would like to offer two solutions which can have possible solutions to your problem. One of the link is from the WordPress codex at http://codex.wordpress.org/Creating_Admin_Themes
The second link is from Six Revisions (one of my favorite website) http://sixrevisions.com/wordpress/how-to-customize-the-wordpress-admin-area/ which goes into the details of how to customize the admin area of a WordPress installation.
If you are unable to find a solution on these pages may I request you to be more specific about the elements you want to hide.
Best of Luck!
Vidyut Kale answers:
An admin.css in your theme, with display:none for whatever you want to hide should do the trick. If its more than that, if you can describe, I can suggest better.