We need to fix issue for our Cumulative Layout Shift for our website Core Web Vital.
We are doing pretty good both mobil and desktop the only issue we have is with how to configure <div id="main" class="tt-slider-"> issue.
the site name is https://alumcenter.net
Arnav Joy answers:
Yes this is possible.
Would you like me to do that?
If yes, can you please send me mail so we can discuss more about it?
My mail is : [email protected]
Monit Jadhav answers:
Is it me or is the cumulative layout shift resolved?
The logo is lazy loading and that's where the shift is happening try removing lazyload classes from the logo
<a href="https://alumcenter.net" class="logo"><img alt="Alumicenter Inc" data-src="https://391909.smushcdn.com/184630/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/alum-logo.png?lossy=0&strip=1&webp=1" class=" ls-is-cached lazyloaded" src="https://391909.smushcdn.com/184630/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/alum-logo.png?lossy=0&strip=1&webp=1"><noscript><img src="https://391909.smushcdn.com/184630/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/alum-logo.png?lossy=0&strip=1&webp=1" alt="Alumicenter Inc" /></noscript></a>
Monit Jadhav comments:
One possible solution to prevent the jerk as the logo loads is to give this class
a fixed height, for desktop it evaluates as 183 px and for mobile its 124px. Give it an overflow:hidden as well
height: 183px;
overflow: hidden;
The layout breaks on iPad 768px width. So I think you should hide the menu from that breakpoint
Let me know if it resolves your issues
alumicenter comments:
The code should be in the CCS file correct? I tried and still showing Cumulative Layout Shift
Monit Jadhav comments:
Yeah in CSS I think you implemented it correctly, I don't see a jerk in the header
Other jerk I see is when the images loads. Right now the image fades in I would suggest instead you use slideDown transition so that when the image loads it will animate down and wont look like a jerk
I found this class on the image container .tt-parallax-text
Possible solution can be
this will hide the image box completely
then you can use js to slide it down
alumicenter comments:
Monit, I'm not to savy on this part let's recap
Place in top of CCS
height: 183px;
overflow: hidden;
alumicenter comments:
Where should this code go?
alumicenter comments:
Please send me you email so we can talk
Monit Jadhav comments:
Sure you can email me at [email protected]
Monit Jadhav comments:
Hey mate
Did you email yet? I just checked didnt find anything from you.