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CubePoints - Extension/Module WordPress


I am using CubePoints ( in one of my projects. At present it only tracks and displays overall "Top Users" by points.

In addition to displaying overall "Top Users". I would like to have the ability to list:
1) Top Users This Month
2) Top Users Last Month
3) If possible a dedicated page where these ranks are updated as the months/years go by.

If you are able to successfully add this functionality to the plug-in without hacking the core plugin and in an update friendly manner please let me know the cost & the time needed.


Answers (1)


Julio Potier answers:


I'm on it since 3 hours.

The widgets will be ok soon.

So now, what's the real price ;)

Julio Potier comments:

<strong>Done !</strong>
Here comes the result :

I'm AdminDemo and i've got 75 pts.

This month i did 70 pts.
Last month i did 5 pts.

aazerty did 5 pts this month.
And he did 0 last month.

Contributeur is a loser.

<strong>Now check the new widget :</strong>
This month :
<em>A new option is named "How much months back ?" 0 = this month.</em>

Last month :
<em>You can see "months back" sets to "1"</em>


badnews comments:

Looks great!

The real price of course is whatever you say it is :).

"3) If possible a dedicated page where these ranks are updated as the months/years go by."

Is 3 not possible?

Julio Potier comments:

sorry i forgot mmm...
i do not understand this point :s

badnews comments:

Lets say there is separate page on the site - suppose

And if you go here you can see all the top users for all the previous months.

So for example:

User 1 - 500 Points
User 2 - 400 Points
User 3 - 350 Points

User 1 - 500 Points
User 2 - 400 Points
User 3 - 350 Points

User 1 - 500 Points
User 2 - 400 Points
User 3 - 350 Points

and so on...

And then they are all separated by individual pages.

Julio Potier comments:

i read "you can see all the top users for all the previous months"
"they are all separated by individual pages."

So, all top users on 1 page or each month per page ??

badnews comments:

Woops sorry!

I meant the years are broken into individual pages. So Jan to Dec 2010 is 1 page. Jan to Dec 2011 would be second and so on.

Julio Potier comments:

i see, i'll try to play with shortcodes, ok ?

Julio Potier comments:

Ok here comes :
<em>New shortcode : [cp][/cp]</em>

<strong>Result : </strong>

So you can create a special template page and inside this template you wrote a loop and use do_shortcode inside.

Example :
i create a page inside WP, named "Year 2010", slug "2010".
i select my new template "year page"
Inside this page, i guess the year (by slug or custom field)
And now i can do a loop like :
for( $i = 0; $i<=11; $i++ ) {
echo do_shortcode( "[cp users="3" month="-$i" year="$post->post_slug" title="<strong>%date%</strong><br />"]%user% (%points%)[/cp]" );

Do you need help ?

badnews comments:

This looks awesome. No way to have it automated :D?

Julio Potier comments:

Sorry, quote problem
for( $i = 0; $i<=11; $i++ ) {
echo do_shortcode( '[cp users="3" month="-$i" year="$post->post_slug" title="%date%<br />"]%user% (%points%)[/cp]' );

Julio Potier comments:

I don't think so, but with a template page, this will be automated, you just have to create this template (i can help) and create a page par year. Done !

badnews comments:

Sounds good!

You never told me how much ;).