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Creating a custom sub-nav for Sterling theme WordPress


Hi there,

I am using the Sterling Theme by True Themes for a chain of Gym's in Australia.

I need to hide the current submenu (just like on 'Karma' - a theme also designed by True Themes) so that I can have a custom leftnav menu for each gym. I have attached a mockup ‘warwick-custom-menu-example.png’ so you can see what I’m trying to achieve.

Each gym will have all it’s own information and so will need it’s own left-nav menu.

Looking forward to your response.



Answers (4)


Romel Apuya answers:

I can help also with the coding on this one;

iamwillcreative comments:

Thanks for all your help coding this one :)

You've done a great job!


Arnav Joy answers:

please look following link for creating menus



Reland Pigte answers:

I can work work on this if you want? you can contact me on skype and we can discuss

iamwillcreative comments:

Okay, will do.



Jatin Soni answers:

I still not able to understand which menu exactly you want to hide. I see there are two top menu and one left menu for internal page in these which you want to hide.

Usually if you want to hide any menu than easy way to do is just remove that menu snippet from the template file. So for e.g you want to remove or hide from all pages than try to find the menu in page.php (this is an example so you need to find exact file where the menu placed)

And than find code something like below

wp_nav_menu( array( ) )

Now if you have multiple menu on same page you need to find which one you want to hide.

To create new menu you need to either register menu in function.php and may be require to work on styling part too.

If you need direct help just contact me via Privet Message with details I will try to fix it for you.